I had known about CEDEC for some time, but I had never participated before. This was my first time.
Also, the day before CEDEC, I was able to visit GREE, TAYUTAU, and GeePlus.
You will find my impressions of each company below.
Before my visit, my image of GREE was just a social gaming company. However, after having the chance to meet with them, my impression completely changed. GREE was the first to create social networking service in Japan, and the first worldwide to produce social games for mobile phones. In addition, GREE offered a platform for game publishers such as Namco Bandai, CAPCOM, and KKONAMI. Recently, they have not only been involved in social gaming, but have established a new studio to develop native apps games, with staff migrating to work there. What surprised me most was their stance on development. I knew that GREE hosts tech blogs, hackathons, and study meetings, giving the sense that they are boosting their overall technical skill. To learn that developers can work under such quick-paced and tense circumstances was very interesting, and I felt it was a good environment in which to cultivate skills.
TAYUTAU is a company that develops games for mobile phones. Though it has less than eighty employees, the company has a big vision to “unite the world in peace. In fact, their “Barcode Footballer” game has become a hit abroad. Recently in the industry, it is frequently said that a game is no good if it cannot be sold abroad, but there are not many developers who can claim to have had a large hit both in Japan and overseas. TAYUTAU seems to be ambitious about increasing their company's titles and taking on big challenges. I got the impression that the atmosphere within the company is extremely relaxed and so the developers are at ease.
GeePlus is a company that has exceedingly characteristic visions. One is that they create as a “company of emotion”. I learned that content create emotion and can be obtained revenue longer than platform. This is extremely shocking. The other one is their goal, which is to limit their staff to five-hundred people. As the company's scale grows and reaches five-hundred, they will not hire any more staff, but instead use extra profit to provide additional services. Usually companies seek to expand, but I tip my hat to such unique thinking. I think the idea is fitting for a company that cares so deeply about its employees.
First, let me state that I am researching artificial intelligence(AI) in graduate school, and so it will be from that perspective that I offer my impression. For some time, I had always felt that AI for research and AI for development in games were completely separate entities, but having participated in CEDEC, I have come to feel that in reality the difference is superficial. This year I attended sessions on “Werewolf AI” and “how to create AI that resembles a human”, but I took note of several things said by game developers. When I asked about AI at Developers' Night, I was told, “It will likely be extremely helpful in the future, but it is thought of as being a way off yet.” I realized that in current game development, there is not much importance placed on creating such a sophisticated AI at this time. As an AI researcher, learning this filled my heart with sorrow and disappointment. My new goal as a game AI researcher is to make an impression on the industry not only in an academic sense, but also in a practical way. My greatest takeaway from this year's CEDEC was determining my own point of view and finding a goal to focus on.
Thank you very much for this exceedingly valuable experience.
I will use what I learned here in my research and future game making endeavors.
(The University of Electro-Communications, Yushi Sato)
英語翻訳:Jessica Beasley, Internationalization Force, IGDA日本
English translation: Jessica Beasley, Internationalization Force, IGDA Japan
Ah, this graduate student missed the real game AI developers community in this year’s CEDEC conference. I'll take a brief introduction for him!