


 グリーを訪問するまで、私はグリーは単純に有名なスマートフォンゲームの会社だと認識していました。グリーは日本でもっとも大きなスマートフォンゲームの会社の一つだからです。しかし会社見学を終えて、グリーはゲームを作るだけでなく、SNS全体を包括する企業だということがわかりました。グリーの歴史を紹介するビデオにはたいへん心を奪われました。彼らが巨大で成功した会社をわずか10年で創り上げたのです! ランチミーティングと会社見学を終えて、同社がどれだけたくさんのプロジェクトを互いに衝突することなく同時に走らせているのだろうか、そしてエンジニアとアーティストでいかにうまくコミュニケーションをとっているのだろうか、と全体的な印象を抱きました。私の最近の主要研究テーマの一つがソフトウェアの生産性を向上させることなので、プロジェクトを運営し、開発者ネットワークを構築するために必要なたくさんの知見が得られました。

私たちが次に訪問したのは、たゆたうでした。たゆたうグリーほど大企業ではありませんが、とても興味深かったです! 彼らのチームは本当に小さいものでしたが、彼らが「ファイナルファンタジーアギト」を開発するだけの能力を持っていることに驚嘆しました(余談ですが「ファイナルファンタジー零式」は私がシリーズの中でももっとも好きなタイトルです)。たゆたうはまた、海外向けに他のゲームを作っており、バーコードをスキャンしてオリジナルのサッカーチームを創り上げるというアイディアに深い衝撃を受けました。それから私たちは開発室を見学しましたが、その雰囲気に衝撃を受けました。というのも開発者が笑顔で仕事をしていたからです。これは本当に珍しいことです。同社の社長はとても忙しく彼の机は書籍と書類でいっぱいでした。私は大きなチームでなくても、たゆたうのように優秀な人材がそろっていれば、小さなチームでも成功できることを知りました。これからもたゆたうの成長と、同社の新作ゲームが遊べることを楽しみにしています。


続く3日間で私はCEDECとDevelopers' Nightに参加しました。私は多くのプロフェッショナル達からさまざまな励ましとアドバイスをいただき、万感胸にせまりました。



小野憲史様、尾形美幸様とCEDECのメンターの方々、そして私たちの訪問を受け入れてくださった企業の皆様に御礼を申しあげます。Developers' Nightでお話いただき、勇気づけてくださった多くの方々にも感謝します(特に小倉豪放様に格別の御礼を申しあげます)。自分のパートナーで、スカラーシップについて紹介してくれたChristopher Yap(昨年のCEDECスカラー)にも感謝します。私たちは昨年、インディゲーム開発グループ(Plain Box Interactive)を立ち上げ、自由時間にインディゲームを作っています。日本のゲーム産業のさらなる発展を心から祈願すると共に、自分もまた面白いゲームを作って、プレイヤーを喜ばせるために、さらに努力したいと思います。(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学、Xin Yang)

First, I would like to thank IGDA Japan gave me a great opportunity of visiting three wonderful japanese game companies and attending CEDEC 2014. This experience is really awesome and it is one of my best memory in my life, I will never forget it. The first day we have visited three game companies: GREE, TAYUTAU and GeePlus. They are totally different but all of them are great and amazing.

Before I visited GREE, I think GREE is only famous for their smartphone games, it is one of the biggest smartphone game companies in Japan. But after the tour of GREE, I found that GREE does not only make games, it covers almost all the social networking service. I was deeply moved by the stirring video of the history of GREE. How can they made such a big and successful company in 10 years! After having lunch meeting and office tour, I have a general impression of how many game projects running in the same time but cause no conflict and how to make a good communication between engineers and artists. One major topic of my current research is how to improve software development process, this time I think I gain a lot of knowledge about how industry projects running and make their development network.

The second company we visited is TAYUTAU, not as big as the first one but very interesting! It is amazing that they have really small team but they have the ability to make Final Fantasy Agito (btw, FF type-0 is one of my favorite FF). TAYUTAU also make other games for international market such as scan barcode to make your own soccer team which gave me deep impression. Then we visited their office, I was shocked by the atmosphere, it is really hard to see the developers working with smile. The president of TAYUTAU was very busy and his desk was full of books and documents. Now I understood, even without a huge team, you still can be successful if you have a small team with talented people just like TAYUTAU. I hope it could grow bigger in future and bring us more interesting games.

The last company tour, we went to GeePlus. The president gave us a very good speech and I have learned a lot from it. The most interesting term is Emotional Industry, which means the industry not only provide service or product, they also provide emotion to customer. In my opinion, a game is a mixture of art. After add artistry into a game, this game will have the power of emotion. Only material needs cannot satisfy human beings now, game with artistry will reduce the stress of people and satisfy spirit needs. In addition, it will affect game by using art on character design and others. So I think if I apply this theory on game development, I can make a wonderful game which can gave emotion to players.

The next three days I attended CEDEC and Developers' Night. I gained a lot encouragement and advice from many professionals. My impression about these three days can be summarized as below:

First, communication is really important. For game developer, communication is always a big problem. For example, how developers communicate with other team members, and how to share your ideas to other developers clearly. Comparing to the developers in western world, developers from eastern culture are sometimes nervous to speak out their ideas. Japanese culture is charming, many great games are based on Japanese culture. If young developers can be more active to communicate and be able to introduce themselves to the world, Japanese game industry will become better.

Second, what is the indie game? From last year, Tokyo Game Show prepared a new area for indie games. The quick increasing indie games based on the promotion of mobile devices and free release of game engine. We saw a lot of indie games appears in this several years. But what is the nature of indie game? Indie means unprofessional and lack of funding? The answer is no, we found many professional indie games and they gather money from crowd-funding website successfully. I am also an indie game developer and I hope indie could have a good future.

Thanks Mr. Kenji Ono, Mr. Masahito Fujihara and Ms. Miyuki Ogata and all the mentors in CEDEC and the companies which gave me the great chance of visiting. I also want to thanks all the people who talked and encouraged me in Developers Night (special thanks to Mr. Takeyuki Ogura ). I want to thanks my partner Mr. Christopher Yap who introduced IGDA scholarship to me. We founded our indie game group (Plain Box Interactive) last year and we use our free time to make indie games. We hope Japanese game industry could become better and we want to make good games and bring more positive emotion to players. (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Xin Yang)

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