IGDAの活動の一つとして、今年初めて設置されたCEDECスカラーシップ。スカラーシップとして認められると、日本を代表するゲームディベロッパーを4社訪問することができ、さらにCEDECのレギュラーパスが無料になる。応募条件は実質エッセイを提出することのみで、こんな面白そうなものは挑戦してみるしかない! と思い、ある意味好奇心でメールを送ったのが参加のきっかけでした。
最初に合格の発表があったときには、僕の元に連絡は来ませんでした。しかし、数日経ってから諸事情でキャンセルが出て、繰り上がりで合格ということに。僕が合格した理由は、おそらくGDCに単身で参加したということだと思います。来年のCEDECスカラーシップに参加したい人は、GDCに行ってみる、というのもありかもしれません。英語なんてYesとNoとThank youが分かれば、どうとでもなります。
来年のスカラーシップがどういった形に変わっていくのかは分かりませんが、今年よりも更によりよいものとなることを期待しています!(立命館大学映像学部三年生 堀田 亮介)
This year, the IGDA established the CEDEC scholarship. Those awarded the scholarship are able to visit four game developers, all representative of the Japanese games industry, and are also given a free regular pass to CEDEC. Because all that is required in order to apply is a personal essay, I essentially sent an application in out of curiosity, thinking that I had no choice but to make an attempt at something that looked so interesting, and was accepted.
When scholarship recipients were first announced, I did not receive a notification. However, after a few days, one recipient canceled due to various circumstances, and I was awarded a scholarship as an alternate. I believe that the reason I was awarded a scholarship was most likely because I had attended GDC on my own. Those who are thinking of applying for a CEDEC scholarship next year might want to try going to GDC. As far as English, you’ll be able to manage as long as you know “Yes,” “No,” and “Thank you.”
On the first day, we visited 4 Tokyo studios, iNiS, Q Entertainment, tri-Ace, and CyberConnect2. At all of these companies, I was able to see development environments and learn about things that I would normally not be able to see or hear, making it a very valuable experience. As a student, the opportunity to actually watch people perform the work that they do at a game company is also valuable.
If there was one thing that I thought was lacking, I think that it would have been useful to be able to speak to more kinds of people at the companies. I strongly wanted to be able to speak to freshly-hired employees, as they are the closest people at a company to students like ourselves. However, the companies seemed busy when we visited, and I felt that it would be difficult to do this. Overall, while it ended up being a very frantic day, it was also a very substantial and packed one.
This was my second time attending CEDEC, as I attended last year as well, but unlike my first time, I decided to attend a variety of different kinds of sessions, not focusing too much on one specific genre. This decision was a fruitful one, as the sessions I chose this year were even more interesting and worthwhile than those I attended last year. I also participated in nighttime CEDEC parties on all three days. As I’m a shy person by nature, parties like these are not my strong suit, but I made an effort to make the most of the opportunity and go to these events. Despite attending these parties, I generally only spoke to people I already knew, both this year and last. However, compared to last year, I think that I have made a significant amount of progress in this regard.
It is an honor to have been able to participate in this year’s CEDEC scholarship. I feel that I have changed in a number of ways, especially with regards to my attitude, since returning. I also know now that I cannot allow myself to fall behind the level of enthusiasm shared by other students on the scholarship and those I met at parties.
I’d like to thank the four companies who allowed us to tour their studios. I will treasure the expertise I directly received from everyone at these companies, and will use it to better myself. And, someday, I hope to be able to repay everyone’s kindness. Thank you very much for your hospitality. While I do not know if or how the scholarship will change next year, I hope that it only continues to become an even better experience! (Ryosuke Horita / Ritsumeikan University)
(Translation: Ko Ransom,i18n Force@igda Japan)