3日間のCEDECでは、自分の興味のあるセッションを自由に聴講することができ、初参加の自分にとってどれも貴重な経験になりました。特に、西川善司さんや五反田義治さんのCG関連のセッションは、CGデザインを勉強している自分にとってこの上なく刺激的でした。また、Developers Nightのような飲み会にも参加し、スタジオツアーで訪問した会社以外の方とも交流することができ、実際に何人かの方に就職活動などの相談に乗ってもらい、アドバイスを頂くことができました。
今回のスカラーシップ参加で得た、さまざまな知識や人のつながりといった“経験値”は、今後の自分のレベルアップのために有効に使いたいと思います。そして、将来ゲーム業界に対して大きく貢献できるような人材を目指したいと思います。最後に、今回貴重なチャンスを与えてくれた日本IGDAにはこの場をお借りしてお礼申し上げます。(酒井駿介 デジタルハリウッド大学)
Of the various activities I have pursued in hopes of accomplishing my goal of working in the games industry in the future, my participation in this year’s IGDA Japan scholarship has been one of the most significant.
First, before CEDEC were the studio tours, where we were able to observe game studios and participate in discussions with employees. Here, we were able to encounter some of the latest technology in gaming, as well as ask questions about each company’s policy and thoughts with regards to the current industry atmosphere. Above all else, as understanding the internal culture of a company requires you to physically be in that company itself, being able to personally and directly experience various different company cultures was very interesting for me. These tours gave me a strong awareness and concrete image of what it means to work in the games industry.
Over the three days of CEDEC, which I attended for the first time this year, I was able to freely attend sessions on topics I found personally interesting, all of which were valuable experiences. In particular, sessions related to CG, such as those by Zenji Nishikawa or Yoshiharu Gotanda, were extremely stimulating to me, as I am studying CG design. I also participated in parties such as Developers Night, where I was able to interact with even more individuals from the games industry and receive advice from many of them on topics such as how to conduct a job hunt. Additionally, I met and spoke to a number of students with aspirations similar to my own, which was a motivating experience for us all. These opportunities to build a network of relations that provide a good source of information exchange once again made the benefits of attending events such as CEDEC clear and immediate.
I hope to use the “experience points” I gained in the form of information learned and new relationships built through participating in this scholarship to effectively level up in the future. Also, I would like to reach my goal of becoming an individual who can contribute in a large way to the games industry one day. Finally, I would like to take the time here to thank the IGDA Japan chapter for giving me this valuable opportunity. (Ryosuke Sakai / Digital Hollywood University)
(Translation: Ko Ransom,i18n Force@igda Japan)
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