

IGDA スカラーシップで GDC と E3 に参加して以来、私の中でアジアと西洋ではゲーム開発にどのような違いがあるのかを見てみたいと感じるようになっていました。だからこそ IGDA 日本の CEDEC / TGS スカラーシップについては長い間参加を検討していました。

私を躊躇させていたのは言語の壁で、日本語能力のない私では参加は叶わないだろうと考えていました。しかし主催者に問い合わせてみたところ、日本語能力は必須要件ではないとの返答を得られ、私はすぐに 東京ゲームショーのスカラーシップに申し込みました。


特にスタジオツアーでのやり取りが不安だったのですが、なんと IGDA 日本のほうで通訳を手配してくださっており、私はリアルタイムに意見のやり取りができたのです。彼は実に素晴らしい通訳でした。


それに加えて TGS というイベント自体もイベント側で海外からのゲストを招く準備が整っており、必要に応じて通訳サービスも提供されていたため、言語的な壁はあまり問題になりませんでした。


これはIGDA 日本の方々のみでなく、日本のみなさんすべてが、です。これは西洋的世界で生活してきた者にとっては本当に素晴らしい体験でした。




私としては、両方の文化での経験を積んだ人材 (なおかつ英語での円滑なコミュニケーションのできる人材)が真に求められていると考えます。



東京ゲームショー自体についてはE3 Expoとかなり類似する点が多かったと思います。最も大きな相違点はコンテンツ自体でしょう。

欧米で高い認知度を誇るタイトルはごく少数で、最も目立っていたのは「アサシンクリード3」 でした。会場には実にたくさんの小規模な企業が出展しており、アジア以外ではほとんど知られていないタイトルが多数展示されていました。多くのタイトルは、欧米の開発者にとってはノベルに見えるであろうコンセプトに元づいて制作されていました。



我々に提供されたチケットはビジネスデイチケットでしたので、当日の入場者数はおおよそ E3 と同程度でした。私は別途一般日のチケットも入手したので参加してみたのですが、本当に1、2時間程度しか滞在できませんでした。息を吸うスペースすらほとんどなく、何も見えなかったからです。一般日を経験したからか、ビジネスデイにTGSを体験できたことについて改めて感謝の念が強くなりました。

私の印象としては、TGS は E3 と比較して「だれを入場させるか」についてかなり厳密に精査しているようでした。

ということはおそらく、もし IGDA 日本が企画してくださらなければ、私がここに来ることもかなわなかったということなのでしょう。



全般的に見て、私がこれまで参加したスカラーシップの中で今回の TGS は最も実りあるものであったと言えると思います。異なるゲームの世界を見る機会というのは何物にも代えがたい体験でした。ゲーム業界に飛び込みたいという方には、創造性のインスピレーションを得る機会として、ぜひ本スカラーシップをお勧めします。(Kornel Kisielewicz / Wroclaw University)

Being a GDC and E3 IGDA Scholar I always wanted to see how the Asian game development world differs from the Western counterpart. I long have pondered the CEDEC and TGS IGDA-J scholarships, however I assumed they were inaccessible to me due to the lack of knowledge of the Japanese language. Luckily I voiced my interest in the scholar group and was informed that Japanese language proficiency was not a requirement -- I submited my application for Tokyo Game Show and it was accepted!

Before the event I was very worried that my lack of language skills will both severly hamper my experience as well as be a big problem for the organizer. Especially the studio tours were worrying me. However, I was extremely surprised to learn that IGDA-J has assigned me a translator for the tours. He did a great job translating the experience in real time -- neither did I feel I was left out, nor was I a problem to the organizer. As for the TGS event itself, language wasn't such a big problem -- the event is prepared to handle forigners and where needed a translation service was always present.

Everyone was very friendly and trying hard to be very helpful, which is not only true for IGDA-J and TGS but for all of Japan. It is really something that is a joy to experience for someone used to the Western worlds ambivalence.

During the whole event I've learned a lot about the Eastern gaming culture, and was very surprised to see how many things that are concieved here do not travel to the West. What is immedately obvious is that the Eastern game world is much less focused on warfare and violence than it's Western counterpart. PC gaming is a niche, as are games that are for obvious reasons PC-locked. On the other hand Arcade games are much more omnipresent and are a common past time. The technical and design advancement of Arcade games in Japan is way beyond what the Western world ever saw -- including complex Mecha-cockpits, various movement based games and collectible card game arcade hybrids. Gaming is also a lot more targeted at both sexes instead being male-dominated.

One thing that was prominently discussed during studio tours was the need for a closer cooperation between the two very different gaming cultures. People that have a knowledge of both (as well as good English communication skills) are really needed. The second thing I noted was the general move in the Japanese gaming industry to model the company culture after their Western counterparts. This was especially prominent in the casual sector companies. I guess nowdays everybody wants to follow the standards set by Googleplex -- which is not bad indeed, because IT people's needs are different than of a regular company, and the same everywhere.

As for Tokyo Game Show itself, it was really similar in setup to E3 Expo, with the main difference being the content. Only a handful of Western-recognized games were promoted, with the most prominently present Western game being Assassins Creed III. There were tons of smaller companies present, with titles that are virtually unknown outside of Asia -- many of them based on concepts that would strike a Western developer as really novel. Also, several Universities and Tech companies were advertising.

What really made me happy is the fact that Eastern games a lot more often reach for non-realistic art direction instead of boring photorealism -- and putting raw gameplay over realism. I guess the West still needs to learn that a game doesn't have to be super-realistic to be fun. And also probably the reason why Japan isn't so frantically anticipating the next generation of consoles as the West is.

We were given tickets for the Buisness days -- the amount of people present was about as much as at E3. I also did aquire a ticket for the Public days -- however, I've spent only 1-2 hours at the Show that day -- there was barely room to breathe, much less see anything. Hence I am really grateful for the opportunity of being able to see TGS during the Buisness days -- from what I've noted the organizators are much more strict onto who constitutes as part of the industry there, than on E3, which would probably mean that if not for the IGDA-J I might have never had that opportunity.

It's been a great honour to be able to participate in the Scholarship, and to witness a gaming culture so different yet in many ways so superior to what we see in the West. The experience made me interested in the topic of the differences between game cultures, and I'm sure to pursue more information on this topic. There are several things that the West can learn from it's Eastern counterpart, but as for now it seems that the will to learn about the other is only on the East side. However, games like Dark Souls, the success of Nintendo and the technological limit in terms of graphics that we are reaching slowly changes that.

All in all I'd risk the assesment that from all Scholars that have taken part I might have taken the most knowledge -- the possibility to see a different game world is an invaluable experience, and I'd suggest it to any person interested in working in game development -- as an inspiration to creativity.

Kornel Kisielewicz / Wroclaw University 

*英日翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan










My name is Ryohei Yamada and I participated in the TGS scholarship. 

The scholarship allowed me to participate in TGS on business days for free and visit Land Ho, CyberAgent and From Software on studio tours. It gave me new experiences and let me learn about new things that I had always wanted to know about. My motivation to work in the game industry became even stronger, and it helped give me direction for my future.

First, my teacher informed me of this scholarship and suggested that I apply for it, but it was the deadline of the scholarship. I managed to be accepted, and it made me realize that in order to be a part of the game industry, I should have a more assertive, adventurous spirit.   

For the first day, I visited to Land Ho, CyberAgent and From Software. I was able to ask questions and see the actual scene of development at these studios. These were experiences that are difficult for students to have during their regular lives, and so there were a lot of new things to learn there. Although I am a fourth-year student college and currently hunting for a job, it is still very rare to see inside of a studio. I thought that developers worked in a hurry but it was different. I thought the experience helped fill the gap I had between my mental image of what game development is like and what it's really like. However, I did want to talk to developers much more. What was it like being a member of a development team? What should I do in college? While managers or HR staff replied to our questions, I think development team members may have deferent answers, so I wanted to be able to ask them directly. Still, I still enjoyed the studio tour because it was good experience and it increased my motivation.   

From the 2nd day on, I participated in TGS. I listened to keynote speeches, participated in SOWN, and went through company booths. I thought deeply about the future of the game industry. My goal became clearer, and I thought that the game industry would continue to grow. While I was impressed by many games, and while some of them were simple and others were very fresh, I also felt that I would like to entertain people by developing a whole new kind of game. By walking around the booths and playing games, I understood the trends in different game genres in Japan, and better understood the plans of different companies. After the 2nd day, a dinner party was held. I felt that I grew internally because I am normally shy with strangers, but I was able to happily chat with many people and learned fresh information there.

Finally, I felt motivated to work in game industry and to grow internally thanks to this scholarship. Although I had previously had a number of students who want to get a job in the game industry around me before, I was able to meet and talk to students who have the same dreams as me, which was a very good experience. I would like to show my gratitude to the 3 companies who were a part of the studio tour because they gave me the rare experience of being able to see the workplace inside of a company. Although the scholarship program was a short 3 days, it was very exciting and I will treasure it. Thank you so much.    

 I hope that these events will continue after next year because they provide the chance to learn about so many things that are hard to learn about elsewhere.

Ryohei Yamada / Nihon University

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan









ゲームショウで一番印象に残ったのは、ビジネスデイ最終日の後に開催された「センス・オブ・ワンダー ナイト」です。インディーゲームの企画コンテストだったのですが、全ての企画に「センス・オブ・ワンダー!!」があり、最近のコンシューマゲームとは違った輝きがありました。非常に面白いイベントでした。機会があれば応募してみたいと思います。

今回のスカラーシップでは、普段なかなか得ることの無い経験をさせて頂きました。この経験を活かしてゲーム業界で活躍できるように精進していきます。スカラーシップを行うにあたり準備をして頂いたIGDAの方、企業の方、本当にありがとうございました。(三野 泰/東京工芸大学)

First, I'd like to say thank you so much for allowing me to participate in the IGDA scholarship. Since I will soon be facing the job hunting process, the experience gave me a lot of information to think about when I consider my future career. 

I participated in studio tours at 6 companies and attended the business days of TGS over the period of the scholarship. For the first round of studio tours, I visited Marvelous AQL, Ubiquitous Entertainment inc. and Entersphere inc.. At the next one, I visited Land Ho, Cyberagent and From Software. I would like to show my gratitude to everyone from those companies who spoke with us and showed us around.

Although I had imagined that as each studio develops different games, they would also have their own company atmospheres, but the differences I saw between each studio on the tour were even greater than I had imagined. I had always wondered what kind of work I would end up doing and how I would spend my daily life if I found a job in the game industry, but was able to get a rough image of the answers to these questions by talking to developers in the industry and looking at the offices and desks of the studios.  I saw a very human development scene that I had not been able to see in the past through magazine articles or in information at seminars, and it was a very impressive experience for me.    

Most of the companies also spoke to us about their company's profile. It provided me with more detailed information, as did their careful responses to my questions. It provided me with a lot of information that I think is difficult to get at common seminars. I hope to be able to use this information in my job hunting, too. At the dinner parties after the studio tours, we talked about many topics including private matters to each other as students who are eager to work in the game industry. The other students had studied so much about games, and speaking to them was a very stimulating experience. I hope that I'll be able to maintain the connections I made during the scholarship.

I also participated in TGS on business days. I was surprised at how few people were there during those days. Though I normally have to focus all my attention and energy at TGS on just being able to play games, being there on business day let me enjoy the event as a whole, such as the production of each booth.

The most impressive part of TGS for me was SOWN, which was held after business days. It was an Indie game contest, and each proposed game had a sense of wonder. I felt a new sense of attraction to console games during these days. It was a very interesting event. I would like to try applying to the contest if I ever have the chance. 

Through this scholarship, I was able to have experiences that students rarely get the chance to have. I would like to use this experience and continue to work to be able to find a job in the game industry. Thank you so much to all the IGDA staff and to the companies who were a part of the scholarship. 

Mino Yutaka / Tokyo Polytechnic University

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan






次にこのスカラーシップでのメインイベント、ゲームショウです。1日目は 午前中のCESAの鵜之澤伸会長による基調講演とGREEの田中良和社長による講演と午後のアジア・ゲーム・サミットがメインでした。いずれもダウンロードコンテンツやモバイルゲーム、ソーシャルゲームなどネットワークを用いたゲームについての展望を語られていたのが印象的でした。





I already graduated from university, but have yet to find a job. I thought that I would not be able to apply to the scholarship but Mr. Kenji Ono, chapter coordinator of IGDA Japan, told me that I should apply anyway when I asked him about my status. I applied to it with no hope but I was then told that I had passed. I thought that it was a good thing that I applied to the program without thinking about my position.

First, I participated in the studio tour. I also participated in studio tours at CEDEC in August and visited 12 companies between both.
At the studio tour, I could see the real-life scene of game development, and was able to talk to game developers in a roundtable format at one studio. I could listen to real developers talk about their stresses or attitudes toward their job and felt like I'd be able to use the experience during my job hunting.

Next, I participated in TGS as the main event of scholarship. On the 1st day, the biggest events were the keynote speech by Mr. Unozawa, the president of CESA, and a lecture by Mr. Yoshikazu Tanaka, GREE President in the morning, and the Asia Business Game Summit in afternoon. They talked about possibilities in networked games such as DLC, mobile games, and social games. I thought that the talks were very impressive.

On the 2nd day, I played as many games as I could during the time we had. I tried to not be prejudiced and have a positive attitude when playing games from genres I don't have much interest in, such as sports games, trying to broaden my horizons.

I felt that smartphone or tablet apps were a hot product at TGS. The smartphone games market has grown rapidly and I felt the possibilities in that field. However, at exhibitions of consumer games, booths were big, but most of them were sequel titles, so I felt somewhat of a lack of freshness and excitement.

SWON, held on the 2nd night, was very exciting. One game was played on smartphones by shaking the phone around, while another was a pop-up book style on tablet, and I felt that they were very innovative and wanted to play them with my own hands. One team began singing during their presentation, while another team gave a presentation using a mechanical voice, though most of their talk was silly. The way the event was judged was by using the squeaky hammer given to us at check-in. The event was very unique and enjoyable.  

This is how I spent the 3-day scholarship program. It was a very meaningful experience for me, and I would like to thank all the IGDA staff and the studios who gave me this opportunity.

Akiko Naito / Nihon University Graduate school

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan














I'd like to begin by expressing my gratitude to those who made possible my participation in the IGDA scholarship program. The 3 day program was full of excitement and fun. The studio tours that were held on the 1st day were the most exciting part of the program for me, so I would like to begin by talking about me feelings on that first.

Since the first day of the program was the studio tours of three companies, it was a very stressful experience, something that I remember well. Since there were studio tours of 3 companies planned, and because it was the first day to meet the other TGS scholars, I remember the large amount of stress I felt during the first day. When I visited the 1st company, Land Ho!, I felt very nervous.

At Land Ho!, I was especially impressed by their discussion of topics such as how to approach foreign markets. Land Ho! is an adventurous developer because they make attempts to launch titles on new consoles and also because they have found success in the Western market. We usually hear that the market situation has recently been very difficult. However, they told us that if you want to sell your own products in the Western market, that you must listen to comments when targeting the West as a market, and gave us advice such as using TV programs as reference. The barrier between Japan and the Western market is big, and they said that they sometimes they must even include game mechanics that they don't understand the appeal of into their games during the development process, as it is sometimes important to make decisions based on the opinions of others. I felt that we should be more flexible in order to once again be able to develop games for the Western market. They said eloquently, "Developing games for the world market is hard work and risky, but can bring high returns if the title is accepted in the market and is attractive to consumers." I felt that their attitude to the Western market acted as an encouragement to us who may also try to break into the same market.

Next, we visited CyberAgent. It is a general IT company that is well-known for their "Ameba blog" service, but their activities cover every area of the IT industry, and their track record has been growing steadily. I was able to see inside the Ameba Blog team's office with my own eyes. In this wide office, many desks were arranged in order to allow for many possibilities, and employees actively promoted their own activities within the company, putting original posters of their own projects on the company walls. I also learned about an idea contest where any employee could propose a new business. I felt that the company had created an environment where all employees could feel free to make efforts in new fields. I also learned that there were subsidies from the company where each employee was given 100,000 yen every year in order to set up their desk facilities, and a rent subsidy from 30,000 to 50,000 yen for employees who live within 2 train stations from the company. I thought that CyberAgent is a first-rate company because of the good employee welfare and their attempts to maintain a good work environment.

The third company we visited was From Software, which is well-known for their products that give off a serious image such as Armored Core or Dark Souls. When we arrived at the building, we were informed by Mr. Ono that we could speak to Mr. Nabeshima, the producer of Armored Core, and Mr. Sato, a lead programmer of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. We were so surprised at the news and were excited when we entered the company's offices. We were not only able to meet game creators who created great games face to face, but were also able to ask questions and talk to them, a very rare experience. This was the most on-edge the students on the scholarship were at any point during the program over the three days. Though the two would sometimes tell jokes to make us relax, they also gave precise answers to our questions, and their talks gave me motivation as someone eager to have a job in the game industry. The precious discussion time we were given felt like it ended so quickly, but at the end of it, they gave us a message of advice: "Don't forget your love of and desire to develop games." This was valuable advice that we received from veteran creators.

Though we were strangers at first, by experiencing all of this together, the scholars grew close to each other and had a fun dinner at the end of the 1st day. We shared our impressions of the day with each other and enjoyed our time together.

The 3 day program that I was able to participate in was a project made possible by the cooperation of many different companies and by the work of Mr. Kenji Ono, Mr. Masahito Fujihara, and other many staff members who planned and worked to realize this opportunity.

Thank you so much for offering such a precious chance to students. I would like to repay being able to have such a great experience through my work in the feature. I hope to be able to continue to work in such a wonderful field in the future.

Naoya Tsukiji / Tokyo University of Technology

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan










The content of the TGS scholarship I participated in could be split into two parts, a studio tour and attendance of TGS on the business day.

For the studio tour, we visited to Land Ho!, Cyber Agent, and From Software, where we heard explanations of the companies' outlines, and were given the chance to discussing with them. The strategy, values, and atmosphere of each company were very different and each company was very interesting in its own way.

At TGS, I was able to listen to lectures for developers, which was a very valuable opportunity. What are the issues facing the game industry? How can we expect the game industry to grow in the future? I could listen to companies talk about these topics directly, and I felt a scene of fulfillment.

At SOWN, which was the last program during the TGS business days, innovative developers selected from around the world presented their own games. I participated in the event and was very excited by their ideas and motivations. The event made me think that games have many possibilities as a media.

The scholarship program was a very valuable experience to think about my career in future. Finally, I would like to finish my report by showing my gratitude to Mr. Kenji Ono and to IGDA who gave me such a valuable chance. 

Tomoya Iwasaka / Tohoku University Graduate school

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan














す。(堀 貴寛/東京工科大学)

IGDA Japan's scholarship program for CEDEC 2012 was a great chance to have many experiences.  

I participated in CEDEC for 3 days, studying many of the latest topics. 

Since I want to be a game designer, I focused on choosing lectures on game design and participated in over 20 lectures during the 3 days. 

The most impressive talk was the one on the game design and GUI of “GRAVITY RUSH” by SCE. 

Since they explained fundamentals such as establishing the game concept or the game design of “GRAVITY RUSH”in a easy to understand way, I was able to understand how to make a game plan or how to design a game. 

For other lectures, some of them were difficult due to my small amount of experience in game development, but I would like to learn from them and connect them to my future activities. 

In the lunch meeting with mentors, being able to ask questions to game developers working in programming, graphics, and game design, I was able to clear up lingering questions that frequently came up for me, and I was also able to speak with them about interesting topics outside the field of game design.

I was also able to speak with other students who participated in CEDEC as well as game developers in studios at parties such Developers Night, where I was able to listen to people speak about many topics. Since I so rarely get the opportunity to to talk with professional developers, these were very good chances. 

 I also had the chance to look inside Marvelous AQL, Ubiquitous Entertainment and Entersphere at the studio tours. 

It is very difficult for us during daily life to see sites where games are developed in person, and this was a very good chance because I was able to do just that. I could also speak to them and have my questions about game development for social games answered, and so on. 

 I was able to learn new information through the scholarship program during the 3 days of CEDEC and the studio tours, and my motivation to develop games was increased through exchanging opinions with other scholars. It raised my experience level, and was a wonderful 4 days because of that. 

Last but not least, I would like to show my gratitude here to the members of IGDA Japan who organized the scholarship program, the companies that cooperated with the studio tour program, and the people who kindly listened to my inexperienced words.  Takahiro Hori / Tokyo University of Technology 

Takahiro Hori / Tokyo University of Technology 

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan













「そんな事は飲み会で話しても間に合うんじゃない?」と学生イベントと企業主体イベントのレベルの違いにうんざりしている学生さんは思うでしょう。しかし、そこが大きな違いなのです。ゲーム業界飲み会では、既に起業していたり作品を売り出していたりと業界内部側の人間としてある程度働いた経験でもない限り、話せる専門的な内容には限界があり、むしろ話すとしたら業界の話というよりただ単にその場の雰囲気で盛り上がったり、学生向けの「ゲーム業界側」からの感想、アドバイスになってしまう事が殆どです。学生としてはそういう会話をするうちに「業界内部ではどういうお話をしているのだろう?」というちょっとした羨望にも似た感情が湧いてくる事でしょう。実際私もCEDE nightにてEPIC gamesのCEO、ティム•スウィーニー氏がいらっしゃり、なんとしても声かけをしたかったのですが、売り込みも兼ねて来られているようでしたので結局話す事が出来ませんでした。







Hi, I am Hiroko Hoshino. I was accepted for the IGDA CEDEC scholarship and had many valuable experiences there.

Though I was worried about what I should write here out of my many memories, I decided to write about the reasons I applied, and as well as information on topics related to the scholarship for students who are interested in applying for it. I am glad if you read it.

Why I was interested in the scholarship

I am the manager of a video game club at my university, and understood that the current game industry needs artistic education or cultural support by the government, as there are many issues that will be unresolved unless these kinds of reforms are carried out.

However, I had no friends who shared my same mindset around me, and no time and no connections due to studying at a regular university with no special course for game development. This was a major big issue. The only thing what I could do was read articles on the web.

At that time, I learned about the scholarship plan held by IGDA. It was wonderful because every scholar was given an all-access pass for CEDEC, could learn with other scholars who wanted to get a job in the game industry, had the chance to listen to mentors, and look inside 3 game studios. I decided to apply without hestitating.

What I want to tell students who are interested in scholarship.

What I want to emphasize to students who read this essay is "the importance of being able to go inside places where you normally wouldn't be able to ".

(* These are my personal feelings, and have no relationship to the overall concept of the scholarship.)

Because the current game industry is changing very fast, we can say that we can create a new definition of games with our ideas.
I think some students who have a lot of motivation realize this, and want to work hard to be a part of the latest movements. Even if someone is a professional game developer, they may develop old fashioned games on outdated platforms if they are not interested in such movements. Can you envision your next step without first having information or images about future games or development environments for when you develop at a game studio in the future? You can learn about them through the scholarship program.

The mentor meeting and studio tour parts of the scholarship are important in order to learn about the industry's latest movements. It is easy to read articles about the current industry market, but you can interview developers in talked-about game studios in small groups, and ask questions to them directly through the scholarship. It's hard to imagine a better place to learn this kind of information.

Some students may think that you could get the same experience at nomi-kai, Japanese parties focused on game industry, and become disappointed at the difference between events held by students and ones held by companies. But there is a big difference. At nomi-kai, there is a gap between professional developers and students when you talk about technical topics, because most students do not have any experience in the game industry. We don't talk about technical topics, but become excited by the atmosphere at the nomi-kai. Some students sometimes talk with developers, but most of the topics of conversation are light suggestions by professionals to armature. Some students might have a feeling similar with envy in these chats, “what kind of topics do they talk about in the industry?" Indeed, I saw Mr. Tim Sweeney, the CEO at Epic games in CEDEC Night, and wanted to talk to him so much, but I did not have the chance because he seemed too busy greeting other business people there.

I explained some negative points students should consider at social activities between students and developers at nomi-kai, but the scholarship makes up for these. Studio tour sand mentor meetings cover in-depth information about the game industry. Companies reserve a room at the studio tours, and professional developers explain the current situation of the game industry and the real, on-the-ground scene of game development. Though I should not write this outline in too much detail because I should be careful on the web, it was a striking experience because I felt much frustration as a student at a regular university. Since I have some experience participating in nomi-kai focused on the game industry, the topics that mentors and companies explained in-depth was a new experience that I had never felt before, and I thought that such an experience is indispensable for students who want to open up a new era. (I actually became scared for myself because I knew so little until then.)

I have many topics that I would like to write, but I will end here before I go for too long. I would be very glad if students who are worried about their carriers say, "Yes, I need this kind of information" after reading this essay.

I would like to send a message to future scholars. I think that some scholars in 2013 may read this essay after finishing the scholarship program. Please try to make full use of the opportunity that has been given to you. We have made a plan to develop a game among scholars with the information learned from the scholarship in order to keep the relationship created between us, and progress is being made on the project as we speak.

Finally, I would like to say thank you for the invitation to such a wonderful program.

Thank you to the IGDA staff, Mr. Ono, mentors, Mr. Fujihara, people I met at parties, and the 3 companies (Marvelous AQL Inc., Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc., and Entersphere) that took us on studio tours. Many people provided me with special experiences, and thank you very much for that.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward everyone.

Hiroko Hoishino /Sophia University

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan