終了後の2日目と3日目には業界の方が集まるDeveloper’s NightとCEDECの打ち上げとして開かれているTwiCEDEC/ゲームのお仕事に参加しました。前者は多くの方との交流ができ、初めはその雰囲気に圧倒されて挙動不審になっていましたが、一生に何度もないような機会を取り逃がさないように多くの方の話をうかがい視野を広げることができました。後者ではCEDECの運営にかかわっている方からこの開発者が集まるCEDECというカンファレンス、そしてこのスカラーシップに込められた思いを聞くことができました。
I am Yuko Tsuda, 2nd year student at Kobe
University. I participated in CEDEC 2012 through the scholarship program that
was started last year as one of IGDA's activities. I would like to quickly
share some memorable topics.
My major at university does not have a
direct relationship with game development, and this was my first time
participating in not only CEDEC but also in any events that have a relationship
with the game industry. I feel very lucky that I was selected as a scholar.
I was looking forward to going to CEDEC for
a long time, and it was hard to select which lectures to participate in because
there were so many there. I thought I should select lectures from various
genres, but since some of them needed specialized knowledge, some lectures were
very easy for me to understand, but some of them weren't as suitable for me. In
hindsight, I should have checked the lecture outlines beforehand in greater
I also took part in some mentor meetings,
one of the Scholarship events available during free time between lectures,
where we could talk with mentors who were real programmers, game designers and
artists in the game industry. I participated in game designer and artist
meetings. The mentors were very kind and answered our frank questions very
I went to the Developer's Night party on
the second night, as well as TwiCEDEC, which was hold as the closing party for CEDEC
on the third night. At Developer's Night, I was able to communicate with many people.
At first, I it was hard for me to be social due to the atmosphere, but I
thought it was a very rare chance, and tried to be more open. Eventually, I was
able to talk with many people and was able to broaden my horizons. At TwiCEDEC,
I was able to listen to board members of CEDEC talk about the ideas behind CEDEC,
where many developers gather, and behind the scholarship program.
Still excited from CEDEC, I then participated
in studio tours, visiting to 3 studios that are very active in the game
industry, where I listened to them talk about very important topics, though it
was only for a very short time. Each staff talked to us in an easy to
understand way, and some of them even showed confidential documents which were
under development. Each experience was amazing because I was a student and hadn't
seen the scene of real development before. It was a day that made me think
about just how great IGDA is!
Finally, we planned a chat to look back
over the 4 days after the studio tours. It was only an hour long, but it helped
us build friendly relationships with each other, and I thought that it helped
me attain something very great, that being friends who have the same dreams as
me. It was a good experience for me because I do not have any relationships with
students who want to get a job in the game industry in my daily life. This is a
digression, but the studio tours were held a day before CEDEC last year, but
moved to the day after because CEDEC started from Monday this year. I felt that
the move of the date of the studio tours was a positive for me because I could
share my experiences at CEDEC while there.
The scholarship has given me so many things
that it is hard for me to put them all into words. It allowed me to revisit my
thoughts about the meaning of working in the game industry. I would like to
show my gratitude to Mr. Ono and Mr. Fujihara, who arranged such a wonderful
program, as well as each mentor who gave to me valuable opportunities. I
strongly hope that this scholarship program continues next year, as it will
continue to people who want to enter the game industry.
Yuko Tsuda / Kobe University
Yuko Tsuda / Kobe University
*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan
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