「そんな事は飲み会で話しても間に合うんじゃない?」と学生イベントと企業主体イベントのレベルの違いにうんざりしている学生さんは思うでしょう。しかし、そこが大きな違いなのです。ゲーム業界飲み会では、既に起業していたり作品を売り出していたりと業界内部側の人間としてある程度働いた経験でもない限り、話せる専門的な内容には限界があり、むしろ話すとしたら業界の話というよりただ単にその場の雰囲気で盛り上がったり、学生向けの「ゲーム業界側」からの感想、アドバイスになってしまう事が殆どです。学生としてはそういう会話をするうちに「業界内部ではどういうお話をしているのだろう?」というちょっとした羨望にも似た感情が湧いてくる事でしょう。実際私もCEDE nightにてEPIC gamesのCEO、ティム•スウィーニー氏がいらっしゃり、なんとしても声かけをしたかったのですが、売り込みも兼ねて来られているようでしたので結局話す事が出来ませんでした。
Though I was worried about what I should write here out of my many memories, I decided to write about the reasons I applied, and as well as information on topics related to the scholarship for students who are interested in applying for it. I am glad if you read it.
Why I was interested in the scholarship
I am the manager of a video game club at my university, and understood that the current game industry needs artistic education or cultural support by the government, as there are many issues that will be unresolved unless these kinds of reforms are carried out.
However, I had no friends who shared my same mindset around me, and no time and no connections due to studying at a regular university with no special course for game development. This was a major big issue. The only thing what I could do was read articles on the web.
At that time, I learned about the scholarship plan held by IGDA. It was wonderful because every scholar was given an all-access pass for CEDEC, could learn with other scholars who wanted to get a job in the game industry, had the chance to listen to mentors, and look inside 3 game studios. I decided to apply without hestitating.
What I want to tell students who are interested in scholarship.
What I want to emphasize to students who read this essay is "the importance of being able to go inside places where you normally wouldn't be able to ".
(* These are my personal feelings, and have no relationship to the overall concept of the scholarship.)
Because the current game industry is changing very fast, we can say that we can create a new definition of games with our ideas.
I think some students who have a lot of motivation realize this, and want to work hard to be a part of the latest movements. Even if someone is a professional game developer, they may develop old fashioned games on outdated platforms if they are not interested in such movements. Can you envision your next step without first having information or images about future games or development environments for when you develop at a game studio in the future? You can learn about them through the scholarship program.
The mentor meeting and studio tour parts of the scholarship are important in order to learn about the industry's latest movements. It is easy to read articles about the current industry market, but you can interview developers in talked-about game studios in small groups, and ask questions to them directly through the scholarship. It's hard to imagine a better place to learn this kind of information.
Some students may think that you could get the same experience at nomi-kai, Japanese parties focused on game industry, and become disappointed at the difference between events held by students and ones held by companies. But there is a big difference. At nomi-kai, there is a gap between professional developers and students when you talk about technical topics, because most students do not have any experience in the game industry. We don't talk about technical topics, but become excited by the atmosphere at the nomi-kai. Some students sometimes talk with developers, but most of the topics of conversation are light suggestions by professionals to armature. Some students might have a feeling similar with envy in these chats, “what kind of topics do they talk about in the industry?" Indeed, I saw Mr. Tim Sweeney, the CEO at Epic games in CEDEC Night, and wanted to talk to him so much, but I did not have the chance because he seemed too busy greeting other business people there.
I explained some negative points students should consider at social activities between students and developers at nomi-kai, but the scholarship makes up for these. Studio tour sand mentor meetings cover in-depth information about the game industry. Companies reserve a room at the studio tours, and professional developers explain the current situation of the game industry and the real, on-the-ground scene of game development. Though I should not write this outline in too much detail because I should be careful on the web, it was a striking experience because I felt much frustration as a student at a regular university. Since I have some experience participating in nomi-kai focused on the game industry, the topics that mentors and companies explained in-depth was a new experience that I had never felt before, and I thought that such an experience is indispensable for students who want to open up a new era. (I actually became scared for myself because I knew so little until then.)
I have many topics that I would like to write, but I will end here before I go for too long. I would be very glad if students who are worried about their carriers say, "Yes, I need this kind of information" after reading this essay.
I would like to send a message to future scholars. I think that some scholars in 2013 may read this essay after finishing the scholarship program. Please try to make full use of the opportunity that has been given to you. We have made a plan to develop a game among scholars with the information learned from the scholarship in order to keep the relationship created between us, and progress is being made on the project as we speak.
Finally, I would like to say thank you for the invitation to such a wonderful program.
Thank you to the IGDA staff, Mr. Ono, mentors, Mr. Fujihara, people I met at parties, and the 3 companies (Marvelous AQL Inc., Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc., and Entersphere) that took us on studio tours. Many people provided me with special experiences, and thank you very much for that.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward everyone.
Hiroko Hoishino /Sophia University
*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan
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