





二日目からはCEDECに参加し、基調講演を始め色んなセッションを聞きました。バンダイナムコスタジオの日本独特のキャラクターソングの制作に関するセッションとか、「箱! -OPEN ME-」の開発チームによる、実際にゲームを開発した経験などを語ってくれるセッションは、本当にここでしか聞けない!って感じで面白かったです。そして唯一に母語で聞けるので参加した日本と韓国のユーザー分析セッションは途中に出てきた中国市場の特徴も含めて面白かったです。女性クリエイターに関するセッションは現実的な話が聞けて良かったと思います。私もずっと仕事をし続けたいと思っていますのでやはり色々探して頑張ってみようと思いました。




I am Han Gayoun and I took part in the CEDEC scholarship.

When I received the notification saying that I had been accepted to the scholarship, I felt that it may have been some kind of destiny, as I first saw the application form for the scholarship by pure chance.

I took part in studio tours, visiting Premium Agency Inc., Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. and GREE, Inc. Since each studio is different in sizes and character, it was very fun for me. I also felt that the staff members at each company took the tour program very seriously.

Premium Agency Inc was interesting because it seemed that they were researching and developing technologies for not only games but in many fields. It was also impressive that the company president explained about the company by himself. Since I was interested in Augmented Reality, I was very happy to hear the company talk about a project in this genre. I felt that Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. was a venture company which took on challenges in many fields despite their modest size. Enchant.js, a programming framework in Java and html5, was the most impressive among what I saw there. Though I do not know how to program, it made me feel as though I could develop something with it. In the future, I will try challenging myself to develop in enchant.js. Finally, I was interested in GREE, Inc. because my friend had played their games recently. They were a very big company and their headquarters are in Roppongi. I have been to Japan before, but it was my first time visiting the area. This was another part of the reason that I enjoyed my tour of GREE, Inc. The overall white-based color design was also impressive and beautiful.

Beginning on the second day, I attended CEDEC, where I listened to many sessions, including the keynote. I felt that only at CEDEC could I listen to interesting lectures by Namco Bandai Studios about composing uniquly Japanese character songs or the postmortem of “Hako-Open me-“, as discussed by its development team. The lecture about user analysis for Japanese and Korean users, as well as the Chinese market, was also interesting to me because it was only session where could listen in Korean. I was also able to attend a session by female developers. I was able to listen to many talks there that had an immediate relation to what I would like to do, which was very interesting to me. I want to be working for a long time, so I thought that I should look for a good studio and work hard when hunting for a job.

But, the most precious thing of all during the scholarship was the chance to to create connections. Other scholars, mentors, members of IGDA Japan, and everyone whom I met in CEDEC were awesome. Since it is difficult to meet students who want to work in the game industry during my daily life, it was so exciting for me to be able to have a chance to do so. I thought that while the scholars came from various nations, we all love games, and that we had a shared passion to develop more fun games.

I am now hunting for a job in my home country, and I think this experience gave me a broader perspective. Thank you so much. I hope that there are more experiences such as this one in the future. Finally, if you feel something strange in my Japanese, I apologize to you. At the very least, I hope that others will be able to understand my feelings about the scholarship.

Han Gayoun / Ewha Womans University

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan

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