

まず初めに、私はIGDA Japan様の主催するCEDEC&TGSスカラーシップのCEDECスカラーシップに参加しました橋本真太郎と申します。

私は元々、ゲームの最新動向や技術を得たくCEDECに参加したいと考えていたのですが、学生の身としてはレギュラーパスの料金が高く、一歩踏み出せないでいました。そこで、どうにか参加する方法がないかと調べたところ、IGDA Japan様の主催するCEDEC&TGSスカラーシップという制度を発見し、CEDECに無料で参加できる上に企業見学などの特典も付くという素晴らしさに一瞬で心を奪われ、参加を決意しました。






3社目は、グリー株式会社様という誰もが知るソーシャルゲームの先駆けである企業へ訪問してきました。本社へ入ると、「DirectX9 シェーダープログラミング」などの著者でも有名な今給黎 隆様に社内見学を案内して頂きました。実際に、いつも読んでいる本の著者が目の前にいることや映画に出てくるようなIT会社を代表する真っ白なオフィスに興奮が収まりませんでした。そこで、今までコンソールゲームの開発を行ってきた今給黎 隆様に何故、転職を行ったのかと伺ったところ、「今いるポジションが本当に自分にとってベストなのか、常に考えながら行動を繰り替えしていくことが重要」という大変貴重な意見を頂き、ともに「技術者として、一つのスキルを掘り下げ、色々興味があることをやってみると良いかもしれない」というアドバイスを頂き、技術者として常に変革が起こっても柔軟に対処できる人材になろうと思いました。


CEDECでは、3日間を通し様々な講演を拝聴しました。CEDEC全体の印象としては、ARVRといった言葉をよく耳にした気がします。これは、Oculus Riftの登場により今まで以上にリアリアティあるゲーム開発が可能になったことから、ARVRといった分野が活発になってきているのではないかと思います。また、リアリティある高品質なゲームが増えてきていることから、年々開発工程が増えていっていることもあり、ゲームエンジンの分野も非常に活発で多くのデモを拝見しました。特に、グラフィックの進化が著しく、スマートフォンでもGPUが搭載される時代となってきているため、GPUコンピューティングによる処理速度の向上など最新のゲーム開発のトレンドが分かり、非常に勉強になりました。

一番印象に残っているCEDECの講演としては、パズル&ドラゴンズを開発したガンホー・オンライン・エンターテイメント株式会社の森下 一喜様の基調講演でした。将来、ゲームプログラマーを目指している私ですが、どうしたら面白く売れるゲームを作れるのかというところは、気になるところです。そういった経緯から、パズル&ドラゴンズにはどのような成功の秘訣が隠されているのかと期待していましたが、森下様は一言で、「ヒットの方程式はやっぱ、ない」と仰っていました。「そもそも、ヒットの方程式が分かっているのであれば、誰でも成功することができる」とも仰っており、言われて見ればその通りだと納得させられてしまいました。また、同時に「この世に無駄な企画なんかはない。とにかく自分が面白いと思った企画を考えて考えて、楽しむことが重要」だとも語っており、改めて日々意識し続ける重要性を感じました。

そして、CEDEC期間中のお昼にはメンターの方とお食事をする機会も設けられており、多くのメンターの方々とお話をする機会がありました。メンターの方からは、学生のうちにやっておくべき大切なことや書籍を教えて頂き、また、挑戦する大切さも教えて頂きました。例えば、書籍は読むだけではなく実際に手を動かして実装してみることだったり、このようなスカラーシップに参加してみることであったり、Developers' Nightのような開発者が集まるパーティーに参加してみることであったりと、とにかくコミットし、挑戦する大切さを再認識させられました。



最後に、このようなスカラーシップを企画運営してくださいましたIGDAJapan様の関係者の皆様、4日間付き添いをして頂いた小野 憲史様、スタジオツアーでお世話になりました株式会社プレミアムエージェンシー様、株式会社ユビキタスエンターテイメント様、グリー株式会社様の3社の皆様、メンターの方々に深謝致します。


I am Shintaro Hashimoto, and I took part in the CEDEC scholarship held by IGDA Japan.

I had wanted to attend CEDEC in order to learn about current trends and information about video games, but I could not bring myself to apply because the price of a regular pass was expensive for a student. I looked for another way to attend and found the CEDEC & TGS scholarship. It was wonderful to learn about these because they allow scholars to attend CEDEC for free and receive extra benefits on top, like studio tours. I was immediately drawn to it and decided to apply.

At first, I was so nervous because I had not given a deep amount of  consideration when, but to begin with my conclusion, the 4-day scholarship was full of excitement. For example, I was able to talk with foreign gamer friends about our favorite games, see developers who developed major games like R.B.I.BASEBALL, NARUTO games and arcade games, and see inside studios in a way that we can’t when job-hunting. These experiences were so exciting and interesting it is hard to put in words. I am very glad to apply to the scholarship. 

The CEDEC scholarship lasted for 4 days. We visited game developers on studio tours on first day, and attended CEDEC from the second day. During CEDEC days, we had the chance to have lunch with mentors during  each lunch break and communicate many people.

First, we visited to Premium Agency Inc., which develops the 3D graphic engine “CHIDORI” and other projects. I initially thought that it was a specialized company in the graphic field because it developed a 3D graphic engine, but their business field was very wide,  covering consumer games, social applications and Virtual Reality, which made me feel their strong intention to succeed in both the game and computer graphics fields at same time.

I was also able to see their way of arranging their desks and office all on one floor in order to collaborate among different jobs in different fields like server management, high-end game development, social applications, and pachinko content. This was very useful to learn about.

Next, we visited to Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc., which develops “enchant.js”, a very popular framework for Java developers. I was excited at the entrance hall because it was painted black, like a secret base. When I went into the studio, I learned that they did total development of everything from middleware to hardware and was deeply impressed that they were technically skilled enough to develop hardware by themselves. I also had a chance to talk to staff members about my own questions directly. It was a question I had about their marketing strategy, and they replied to me that “we are focusing on improving the usability of game development, as well as web and network technology, so marketing is a secondary matter”. I felt that they take a user-centered approach to product design.

Finally, we visited GREE, Inc. which is a very popular and pioneering social game company. We went into their headquarters and were guided by Mr. Takashi Imagire, the famous author of “Direct X Shader Programming." I was very excited because we were with an author who wrote a book I read constantly. I was also excited when I walked into the company's all-white office, which looked like some sort of iconic IT company that you would see in the movies. I asked Mr. Takashi Imagire about why he moved from a consumer game company to a social game company, as he was originally an engineer of consumer games. He answered, “It is very important that you always keep thinking about whether the position where you currently are is the best one for you, and constantly acting on your judgement.” This was very valuable advice. He also gave the advice, “While you might focus on one subject as an engineer, you might also think about taking on many fields you are interested in.” I thought that I wanted to be a flexible person who is always able to make changes as an engineer.

I was left very impressed by the end of the studio tours. CEDEC then started from the second day.

At CEDEC, I attended many lectures over 3 days. I felt that I often heard the words “Augmented Reality” or “Virtual Reality”. I think that these fields are becoming more exciting because we can now develop more realistic games with Oculus Rift. The field of game engines was very exciting because the greater realism and demands of high-end games makes development very complex, so I saw many demos of game engines. In particular, the evolution of game graphics moves rapidly, and it is now the era of the GPU integrated smart phone. I was able to learn about the latest trends in game development like improving processing speed through GPU computing.

The most impressive lecture at CEDEC was The keynote of Mr. Kazuki Morishita, president of GungHo Online Entertainment, Inc., the developer of “Puzzle and Dragons”. I want to be a game programmer in the future and am very interested in methods to develop fun and successful games in a market. I was very curious about the secret of success of “Puzzle and Dragons” but Mr. Morishita said “There are no equations of success in a market, seriously”. He also said “If there was such an equation, anyone can succeed,” and I was persuaded by his opinion. He also said “There are no meaningless plans. It is important to think and keep thinking about the plans you have for a fun product, because having fun is the most important thing of all." This helped me realize the importance of always keeping your motivation in mind.

There were also chances to have lunches with mentors. They gave us advice about what to do during our college days and to read books. They also taught us the importance of challenging yourself. For example, reading books is not enough, you need to also do things like develop, participate in events such as this scholarship, and attend parties like “Developer’s Night” where developers gather. These talks helped me once again feel the importance of staying committed and challenging myself.

After the scholarship was over, I was left with feelings of the importance of commitment and challenge. Going forward, I will be more self-motivated in my actions and want to do what I can to develop fun games in the future.

This brings me to the end of my CEDEC scholarship report.

I would like to end by expressing my deep gratitude to the IGDA Japan staff who planned this scholarship, Mr. Kenji Ono who guided us through the 4 days, Premium Agency Inc., Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. and GREE, Inc. which accepted the studio tours, as well as all the mentors.

Shintaro Hashimoto / Kanagawa Institute of Technology

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan

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