





二日目からはCEDECに参加し、基調講演を始め色んなセッションを聞きました。バンダイナムコスタジオの日本独特のキャラクターソングの制作に関するセッションとか、「箱! -OPEN ME-」の開発チームによる、実際にゲームを開発した経験などを語ってくれるセッションは、本当にここでしか聞けない!って感じで面白かったです。そして唯一に母語で聞けるので参加した日本と韓国のユーザー分析セッションは途中に出てきた中国市場の特徴も含めて面白かったです。女性クリエイターに関するセッションは現実的な話が聞けて良かったと思います。私もずっと仕事をし続けたいと思っていますのでやはり色々探して頑張ってみようと思いました。




I am Han Gayoun and I took part in the CEDEC scholarship.

When I received the notification saying that I had been accepted to the scholarship, I felt that it may have been some kind of destiny, as I first saw the application form for the scholarship by pure chance.

I took part in studio tours, visiting Premium Agency Inc., Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. and GREE, Inc. Since each studio is different in sizes and character, it was very fun for me. I also felt that the staff members at each company took the tour program very seriously.

Premium Agency Inc was interesting because it seemed that they were researching and developing technologies for not only games but in many fields. It was also impressive that the company president explained about the company by himself. Since I was interested in Augmented Reality, I was very happy to hear the company talk about a project in this genre. I felt that Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. was a venture company which took on challenges in many fields despite their modest size. Enchant.js, a programming framework in Java and html5, was the most impressive among what I saw there. Though I do not know how to program, it made me feel as though I could develop something with it. In the future, I will try challenging myself to develop in enchant.js. Finally, I was interested in GREE, Inc. because my friend had played their games recently. They were a very big company and their headquarters are in Roppongi. I have been to Japan before, but it was my first time visiting the area. This was another part of the reason that I enjoyed my tour of GREE, Inc. The overall white-based color design was also impressive and beautiful.

Beginning on the second day, I attended CEDEC, where I listened to many sessions, including the keynote. I felt that only at CEDEC could I listen to interesting lectures by Namco Bandai Studios about composing uniquly Japanese character songs or the postmortem of “Hako-Open me-“, as discussed by its development team. The lecture about user analysis for Japanese and Korean users, as well as the Chinese market, was also interesting to me because it was only session where could listen in Korean. I was also able to attend a session by female developers. I was able to listen to many talks there that had an immediate relation to what I would like to do, which was very interesting to me. I want to be working for a long time, so I thought that I should look for a good studio and work hard when hunting for a job.

But, the most precious thing of all during the scholarship was the chance to to create connections. Other scholars, mentors, members of IGDA Japan, and everyone whom I met in CEDEC were awesome. Since it is difficult to meet students who want to work in the game industry during my daily life, it was so exciting for me to be able to have a chance to do so. I thought that while the scholars came from various nations, we all love games, and that we had a shared passion to develop more fun games.

I am now hunting for a job in my home country, and I think this experience gave me a broader perspective. Thank you so much. I hope that there are more experiences such as this one in the future. Finally, if you feel something strange in my Japanese, I apologize to you. At the very least, I hope that others will be able to understand my feelings about the scholarship.

Han Gayoun / Ewha Womans University

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan



IGDAスカラーシップでCEDEC2013に参加した吉岡智弘です。私は北陸先端科学技術大学院大学のゲーム情報学専攻に在籍しながら、福島GameJam2013Global Game Jam2013において石川会場の運営や、ハッカソンイベントである金沢八耐を運営するなど北陸地方でゲームコミュニティの活動をしております。




また3つのゲームジャムに関する講演も参考になり、SEGA Game Jamの講演では社会人目線の運営方法を、モチベーションコントロールについての講演ではタスク管理やファシリテーションツールを用いて参加者のモチベーションを上げる方法を、直接関わっている福島GameJamに関する講演では自分が行っている活動の意義や展望について考えることができました。

その他Unreal EngineHavokUnity等に関するセッションでは最新の機能の紹介などすぐにでも利用できるツールについて知ることができました。またSpriteStudio等展示ブースにおいてアニメーションの作成方法や問題解決のアプローチ方法を教えて頂けました。その他ポスターセッションではパッチワーク風のレンダリングやシリアスゲーム等に直接触れることができ、このような機会でなければ体験できないことを思う存分体験することができました。Developer's nightCEDECONの懇親会でも、様々なゲーム企業の方にお会いし直接助言を頂け、今後の活動について方針を考える参考になりました。



I am Chihiro Yoshioka and I attended CEDEC 2013 as a member of the IGDA scholarship program. While I belong to the research unit for computers and games at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, I am active in the game developer’s community in the Hokuriku area. For example, I am handling Ishikawa hall at Fukushima Game Jam 2013 and Global Game Jam 2013 and Kanazawa Hachi-tai which is a hackathon event.

Since I attended CEDEC as a scholar, I got to visit 3 studios as part of a studio tour. Everyone we met was so kind, and at Premium Agency Inc., they introduced us to the 3D graphic engine “Chidori” which is used not only in commercial but also education and Virtual Reality solutions and taught us the necessity of game technology’s expansion to not only the game industry but also other wide fields. At Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc, they introduced us to the “enchant.js” game engine and the “Moon Block” SDK, which allows you to develop games by assembling visual blocks. They also introduced us to some services that expand opportunities for game development like “9leap” and “wise9”. At GREE, Inc, they introduced us not only social game business but also other projects, a frame work for team development and training systems. What surprised me was the fact that even though all three companies are in the game industry,  the floor spaces, atmospheres and desk arrangements of the development teams or job groups were very different. There were different feelings about which studio’s atmosphere was good among the scholars and I was interested in the talk.

I also got the chances to meet mentors directly. While we had lunche with Mr. Watanabe who is a leader of 2D FANTASISTA, Mr. Kishimoto of Tokyo University of Technology and Mr. Minato of Namco Bandai, we talked about programming, technologies for large scale development, special knowledge of game engines, the history of video games for the past 30 years and hunting for jobs. I asked them about how you can't estimate time for programming however you want, and got the advice one can’t get perfect estimate, that one should divide tasks into smaller pieces and that one should study and gain experience by programming.

At CEDEC, the first keynote, “How to unite creator and society - From Idea to Reality” and the “Cross-boarder Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cognitive Science” panel discussion were so impressive! I have an interest in GAMIFICATION and game AI and found the talk about how the fun of content is defined as the product of the fun of the content by itself times the affinity you have for it very impressive.  A talk about the borders between the real and virtual world gave me a vision of the expanded potential of future games, which deeply impressed me as well.

The 3 lectures of game jams were also useful. In the SEGA Game Jam lecture I learned about managing from the perspective of an employee;  In a talk about motivation control I learned about task control and using facilitation tools to increase the motivation of participants; and the talk about the Fukushima Game Jam, of which I am a staff member, helped me reflect on the meaning and prospects of my work there.

About from that, in sessions with Unity, Unreal Engine and Havok I got an introduction to new features and got to learn how to use them right away. I was also taught a way of creating animation and apporaches for solving issues at the demo booth of "Spright Studio".

At poster sessions, I could learn about the new rendering approach for the patch work art style and experience serious games. It was a very rare chance and I could experience them so much there. I could see many developers and get advice directly at “Developer’s night” and “CEDECON” party which helped me think about my plans for the future.

Finally, I want to thank the people of the IGDA and the companies that invited us to studio tours,  as well as everyone who gave advice as a mentor during those days. Attending CEDEC as a student, I got to meet other students, developers and people in the game industry which was a significant oppotunity. Thank you all so much for giving me this chance.

Chihiro Yoshioka / Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan / Proof read: Andrej Preradovic [Localization SIG]



まず初めに、私はIGDA Japan様の主催するCEDEC&TGSスカラーシップのCEDECスカラーシップに参加しました橋本真太郎と申します。

私は元々、ゲームの最新動向や技術を得たくCEDECに参加したいと考えていたのですが、学生の身としてはレギュラーパスの料金が高く、一歩踏み出せないでいました。そこで、どうにか参加する方法がないかと調べたところ、IGDA Japan様の主催するCEDEC&TGSスカラーシップという制度を発見し、CEDECに無料で参加できる上に企業見学などの特典も付くという素晴らしさに一瞬で心を奪われ、参加を決意しました。






3社目は、グリー株式会社様という誰もが知るソーシャルゲームの先駆けである企業へ訪問してきました。本社へ入ると、「DirectX9 シェーダープログラミング」などの著者でも有名な今給黎 隆様に社内見学を案内して頂きました。実際に、いつも読んでいる本の著者が目の前にいることや映画に出てくるようなIT会社を代表する真っ白なオフィスに興奮が収まりませんでした。そこで、今までコンソールゲームの開発を行ってきた今給黎 隆様に何故、転職を行ったのかと伺ったところ、「今いるポジションが本当に自分にとってベストなのか、常に考えながら行動を繰り替えしていくことが重要」という大変貴重な意見を頂き、ともに「技術者として、一つのスキルを掘り下げ、色々興味があることをやってみると良いかもしれない」というアドバイスを頂き、技術者として常に変革が起こっても柔軟に対処できる人材になろうと思いました。


CEDECでは、3日間を通し様々な講演を拝聴しました。CEDEC全体の印象としては、ARVRといった言葉をよく耳にした気がします。これは、Oculus Riftの登場により今まで以上にリアリアティあるゲーム開発が可能になったことから、ARVRといった分野が活発になってきているのではないかと思います。また、リアリティある高品質なゲームが増えてきていることから、年々開発工程が増えていっていることもあり、ゲームエンジンの分野も非常に活発で多くのデモを拝見しました。特に、グラフィックの進化が著しく、スマートフォンでもGPUが搭載される時代となってきているため、GPUコンピューティングによる処理速度の向上など最新のゲーム開発のトレンドが分かり、非常に勉強になりました。

一番印象に残っているCEDECの講演としては、パズル&ドラゴンズを開発したガンホー・オンライン・エンターテイメント株式会社の森下 一喜様の基調講演でした。将来、ゲームプログラマーを目指している私ですが、どうしたら面白く売れるゲームを作れるのかというところは、気になるところです。そういった経緯から、パズル&ドラゴンズにはどのような成功の秘訣が隠されているのかと期待していましたが、森下様は一言で、「ヒットの方程式はやっぱ、ない」と仰っていました。「そもそも、ヒットの方程式が分かっているのであれば、誰でも成功することができる」とも仰っており、言われて見ればその通りだと納得させられてしまいました。また、同時に「この世に無駄な企画なんかはない。とにかく自分が面白いと思った企画を考えて考えて、楽しむことが重要」だとも語っており、改めて日々意識し続ける重要性を感じました。

そして、CEDEC期間中のお昼にはメンターの方とお食事をする機会も設けられており、多くのメンターの方々とお話をする機会がありました。メンターの方からは、学生のうちにやっておくべき大切なことや書籍を教えて頂き、また、挑戦する大切さも教えて頂きました。例えば、書籍は読むだけではなく実際に手を動かして実装してみることだったり、このようなスカラーシップに参加してみることであったり、Developers' Nightのような開発者が集まるパーティーに参加してみることであったりと、とにかくコミットし、挑戦する大切さを再認識させられました。



最後に、このようなスカラーシップを企画運営してくださいましたIGDAJapan様の関係者の皆様、4日間付き添いをして頂いた小野 憲史様、スタジオツアーでお世話になりました株式会社プレミアムエージェンシー様、株式会社ユビキタスエンターテイメント様、グリー株式会社様の3社の皆様、メンターの方々に深謝致します。


I am Shintaro Hashimoto, and I took part in the CEDEC scholarship held by IGDA Japan.

I had wanted to attend CEDEC in order to learn about current trends and information about video games, but I could not bring myself to apply because the price of a regular pass was expensive for a student. I looked for another way to attend and found the CEDEC & TGS scholarship. It was wonderful to learn about these because they allow scholars to attend CEDEC for free and receive extra benefits on top, like studio tours. I was immediately drawn to it and decided to apply.

At first, I was so nervous because I had not given a deep amount of  consideration when, but to begin with my conclusion, the 4-day scholarship was full of excitement. For example, I was able to talk with foreign gamer friends about our favorite games, see developers who developed major games like R.B.I.BASEBALL, NARUTO games and arcade games, and see inside studios in a way that we can’t when job-hunting. These experiences were so exciting and interesting it is hard to put in words. I am very glad to apply to the scholarship. 

The CEDEC scholarship lasted for 4 days. We visited game developers on studio tours on first day, and attended CEDEC from the second day. During CEDEC days, we had the chance to have lunch with mentors during  each lunch break and communicate many people.

First, we visited to Premium Agency Inc., which develops the 3D graphic engine “CHIDORI” and other projects. I initially thought that it was a specialized company in the graphic field because it developed a 3D graphic engine, but their business field was very wide,  covering consumer games, social applications and Virtual Reality, which made me feel their strong intention to succeed in both the game and computer graphics fields at same time.

I was also able to see their way of arranging their desks and office all on one floor in order to collaborate among different jobs in different fields like server management, high-end game development, social applications, and pachinko content. This was very useful to learn about.

Next, we visited to Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc., which develops “enchant.js”, a very popular framework for Java developers. I was excited at the entrance hall because it was painted black, like a secret base. When I went into the studio, I learned that they did total development of everything from middleware to hardware and was deeply impressed that they were technically skilled enough to develop hardware by themselves. I also had a chance to talk to staff members about my own questions directly. It was a question I had about their marketing strategy, and they replied to me that “we are focusing on improving the usability of game development, as well as web and network technology, so marketing is a secondary matter”. I felt that they take a user-centered approach to product design.

Finally, we visited GREE, Inc. which is a very popular and pioneering social game company. We went into their headquarters and were guided by Mr. Takashi Imagire, the famous author of “Direct X Shader Programming." I was very excited because we were with an author who wrote a book I read constantly. I was also excited when I walked into the company's all-white office, which looked like some sort of iconic IT company that you would see in the movies. I asked Mr. Takashi Imagire about why he moved from a consumer game company to a social game company, as he was originally an engineer of consumer games. He answered, “It is very important that you always keep thinking about whether the position where you currently are is the best one for you, and constantly acting on your judgement.” This was very valuable advice. He also gave the advice, “While you might focus on one subject as an engineer, you might also think about taking on many fields you are interested in.” I thought that I wanted to be a flexible person who is always able to make changes as an engineer.

I was left very impressed by the end of the studio tours. CEDEC then started from the second day.

At CEDEC, I attended many lectures over 3 days. I felt that I often heard the words “Augmented Reality” or “Virtual Reality”. I think that these fields are becoming more exciting because we can now develop more realistic games with Oculus Rift. The field of game engines was very exciting because the greater realism and demands of high-end games makes development very complex, so I saw many demos of game engines. In particular, the evolution of game graphics moves rapidly, and it is now the era of the GPU integrated smart phone. I was able to learn about the latest trends in game development like improving processing speed through GPU computing.

The most impressive lecture at CEDEC was The keynote of Mr. Kazuki Morishita, president of GungHo Online Entertainment, Inc., the developer of “Puzzle and Dragons”. I want to be a game programmer in the future and am very interested in methods to develop fun and successful games in a market. I was very curious about the secret of success of “Puzzle and Dragons” but Mr. Morishita said “There are no equations of success in a market, seriously”. He also said “If there was such an equation, anyone can succeed,” and I was persuaded by his opinion. He also said “There are no meaningless plans. It is important to think and keep thinking about the plans you have for a fun product, because having fun is the most important thing of all." This helped me realize the importance of always keeping your motivation in mind.

There were also chances to have lunches with mentors. They gave us advice about what to do during our college days and to read books. They also taught us the importance of challenging yourself. For example, reading books is not enough, you need to also do things like develop, participate in events such as this scholarship, and attend parties like “Developer’s Night” where developers gather. These talks helped me once again feel the importance of staying committed and challenging myself.

After the scholarship was over, I was left with feelings of the importance of commitment and challenge. Going forward, I will be more self-motivated in my actions and want to do what I can to develop fun games in the future.

This brings me to the end of my CEDEC scholarship report.

I would like to end by expressing my deep gratitude to the IGDA Japan staff who planned this scholarship, Mr. Kenji Ono who guided us through the 4 days, Premium Agency Inc., Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. and GREE, Inc. which accepted the studio tours, as well as all the mentors.

Shintaro Hashimoto / Kanagawa Institute of Technology

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan



僕は大学でゲームやメディアアートのプログラミングの研究をしています。ゲーム開発者や新しい技術が一堂に会する CEDEC に以前から興味を持っていたので、IGDA スカラーシップとして参加できたことは大変幸運でした。

CEDEC の展示や講演の内容は、ゲームの基幹技術から応用技術、人とコミュニティ、エンタテインメントの未来予想など多岐にわたります。今回特に面白かったのは、ゲームの仕組みや楽しさを日々の生活や社会に役立てる「ゲーミフィケーション」関連のシステムの展示です。大学の研究室で開発されたという、子供の食べ物の好き嫌いをなくすためのゲームや、病気の治療のためのゲームを体験しました。昔はゲームばかりしていると親に叱られたものですが、今では大学が真剣にゲームを研究しているなんて、時代の変化は面白いものです。

CEDEC では、まだ一般には公開されていない最新のゲームエンジンやフレームワーク、登場したばかりのデバイスに触れることができました。新しい技術を体感して興奮すると同時に、自分がゲーム業界で働くことになれば、このテクノロジーを使って仕事をするかもしれないと思うとすごくワクワクしました。コンピュータの性能向上と革新的なアイデアによって、ゲーム体験はこれからも進化するはずです。僕も将来、人々をワクワクさせる技術を生み出したいと強く思いました。

今年の CEDEC AWARDS ゲームデザイン部門は、社会とゲームクリエイターに大きな影響を与え、今年初めに惜しまれ亡くなった飯野賢治さんが、半数以上の票を獲得して受賞しました。発表時に感極まって声が詰まった遠藤雅伸さん、そして代理で受賞した飯野さんの妻の挨拶に拍手を送る会場。未来志向の CEDEC で、過去を尊敬し忘れない、ゲームに関わる人々の温かさを感じました。

今回のスカラーシップでは CEDEC に加えて、モバイルゲームプラットフォームやミドルウェア、ユニークなデバイスを開発するゲーム関連企業 3 社を見学しました。グローバル化によって海外との競争にさらされるゲーム業界の中で、各社が個性を強く押し出して他社と差別化しようとする取り組みを垣間見ることができました。

CEDEC の展示コーナーでは、発表者一人一人に、技術を研究した背景や、将来の計画について教えてもらいました。熱のこもった説明に引き込まれて 30 分近く話し込んでしまうこともありました。僕が大学で取り組んでいる研究にも生かせそうな技術があったので、今後ぜひとも協力したいという商談(?)もでき、収穫は大きかったです。

◆CEDEC が終わっても
スカラーシップのメンバーとは CEDEC 後にも同じイベントに参加したり、情報を交換し合ったり、有機的な交流を続けています。遠くの県や海外から来たメンバーたちとは、Game Jam のようなイベントでお互いの成長を確認できたらいいねとも話しました。ゲームの技術を学ぶ同年代の仲間が増えたことで、アンテナが広がり、日々の研究と開発への意気込みも強くなりました。
交流はスカラーシップメンバーだけに限りません。CEDEC の懇親会で出会った学生、ゲーム会社の方、CEDEC の運営に関わった方とのやりとりも続いています。
今振り返ると、IGDA スカラーシップは、チケットを無料でもらうことよりも、参加を通して得られる人のつながりのほうが何倍も価値があったと思います。

研究分野における新しい知見、一過性で終わらない人とのつながり、そういった素晴らしいものを得る機会を提供してくれた IGDA 日本と関係者のみなさんに感謝します。僕自身は恩返しとして、将来の研究や仕事でコンピュータエンタテインメントの世界に貢献できるよう一層努力したいと思います。


I am researching programming in video game and media art. Since I was interested in CEDEC, a conference for both game developers and the latest technologies, I was very lucky to be able to attend as a part of the IGDA scholarship.

1.    Games are more than just games
Fundamental and applied technologies, players and community, predictions about entertainment in the future… The exhibitions and lectures at CEDEC span many topics. The most impressive ones to me were the exhibitions about “Gamification” systems, which attempt to apply game mechanics and fun to common life and society. I tried a game for children that attempts to reduce likes and dislikes in food, as well as a game to treat diseases, both of which were developed in university research labs. My parents used to get angry at me for playing too many games, but now games are now the subject of serious research at universities. It is interesting to see how the age has changed.

2.    Thinking about my own work in the future
At CEDEC, I had the chance to experienced the latest game engines and frameworks that are currently under development, as weel as new devices. While I was excited to experience these new technologies, I was also very excited by the thought that that if I work in the game industry, I might be able to work with such technologies. As computing power improves and new, innovative ideas continue to come out, game experiences should continue to evolve in the future. Seeing this made me think that I wanted to create technology that excites people in the future.

3.    Future, past and humanity
At the CEDEC AWARD 2013 ceremony, Mr. Kenji Eno, who had a huge effect on society and game creators and who sadly passed away earlier this year, was given a game design prize with a majority of votes. Many attendees in the hall applauded Mr. Masanobu Endo, who had trouble speaking over his emotions, as well as the speech by Mr. Eno’s wife, who received the prize in his place. I felt the humanity of people in the game industry as they respected and remembered the past at CEDEC, a technical conference to discuss future technologies.

4.    Studios compete through their character
During this scholarship, in addition to CEDEC, we toured 3 game studios which develop mobile game platforms, middleware, and unique devices. In a game industry competing with foreign companies, I was able to see Japanese companies trying to differentiate themselves by putting their unique character forward.

5.    Discussions about technology
At the exhibition corner of CEDEC, speakers taught me about the background of the technologies they were researching and their visions for the future. I sometimes talked for almost half an hour, attracted by their passionate explanations. Since some of these technologies could be incorporated into my own university research, I was able to have fruitful business-like talks. 

6.    Keeping in touch
I have been effectively keeping in touch with other scholars after CEDEC, attending the same events as them and exchanging information with them. I also talked to scholars who came from far-away prefectures and foreign countries about keeping in contact with each other and seeing how we grow through events such as Game Jams. Now that I have more friends of the same age who learn about game technology, my eyes have been opened more widely and I have greater motivation to work on research and development during my daily life.

I am also keeping in contact with not only scholars but also students who I met in at CEDEC parties, developers in companies, as well as CEDEC staff. Looking back on the scholarship, I think that the relationships I built with other people by attending the conference was worth even more than the free ticket I received.

I would like to show my deep gratitude to IGDA Japan its staff because it offered me a chance to gain precious new knowledge in my field of research and make long-lasting relationships. In the future, I would like to work hard to contribute to the computer entertainment world with my research and work.

Ryo Suzuki / Waseda University

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan



IGDA日本ではCEDEC 2013とTGS 2013でスカラーシッププログラムを実施しました。以下で奨学生からの感想文を順次、掲載していきます。来年も本プログラムを実施する予定です。詳細が決まりましたら、またご連絡差し上げます。

IGDA Japan chapter held a scholarship program for CEDEC 2013 & TGS 2013. The essays by scholars will be introduced here. We are planing this program in next year. We will announce it later.




さて、CEDEC中には様々なイベントが有ります。ゲームプランナー向けの「ペラコン」やプログラマー向けの「SECCON x CEDEC CHALLENGE」等です。その中でも最も盛り上がるであろうイベントは2日目にある「Developer'sNight」でしょう。







First, I'd like to begin by saying thank you so much to the other scholars who spoke to me at length about interesting, relevant, and useful topics, the staff of IGDA Japan who offered me the chance to meet everyone on the scholarship, and the staff members of “Premium Agency Inc.”, “Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc.” and “GREE, Inc.” who showed us what actual game development looks like.

I was able to see invaluable scenes of development that one can't normally see during a studio tour. I also felt a great sense of the atmosphere from inside each studio, and was able to hear many interesting stories. Each studio had its own atmosphere, which I felt symbolized each company. I was able to talk to my family about my experiences during the scholarship with pride.

I also had attended CEDEC last year but it wasn’t as impressive and useful to me because I had nearly zero knowledge about the topics discussed. But since I am now in my second year of school and have attended many seminars and learned about many topics, especially Artificial Intelligence, all the sessions I attended were useful and will be valuable to me as future research themes, as well.

There were also many events at CEDEC like “PERACON” for game designers or “SECCON x CEDEC CHALLENGE” for game programmers. I guess the most exciting event for me was the “Developer’s Night” party on second day.

It is a great chance to communicate directly with developers who we can’t normally meet at places like school, and provides the opportunity to take part in important discussions. You can even sometimes talk to veteran developers who developed major games.

It is very rare to see inside industry information from the standpoint of the public. The reports you can read online are a small part of the whole, and you can’t survey the future of the game industry from this information alone.

“What will become major technologies in the future?” ”What will gaming devices look like in the future?”, “How can we appeal to companies in the game industry when job-hunting?” Being able to talk to developers at real game studios gives you a perspective that is even more credible and impressive than what we hear from our teachers at school.

Finally, elements like the technical skills held by scholars are not considered in the scholarship application. The only element considered is the “Passion” each scholar has about getting a job in the game industry.

If your passion for the game industry is second to none, you should definitely apply to this scholarship. Please, just apply. If you pass the selection, you will be able to make a precious connection to other scholars and have valuable and irreplaceable experiences.

Kenta Ohshiro / Nippon Engineering College of Hachioji

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan