










デイビッド・アーモンド(マーセッド・カレッジ卒業、Bloated Hippo創設者、ゲームデザイナー)

My name is David Armond, and I was an IGDA Scholar this year for Tokyo Game Show. The scholarship allowed me access to the show as well as studio tours and industry parties. The knowledge I gained was invaluable and the fun I had was immeasurable. I highly recommend anyone who wants to work in the gaming industry to apply and attend.

The first day started off with studio tours. We visited CRI Middleware Co.,Ltd., Land Ho! CO.,LTD. and Cygames Inc. At CRI Middleware we learned about their audio and visual middleware which assists developers with creating impressive animations and implement sound and music with ease. At the end of the presentation they provided us with books on their software so we can learn it, which was very kind of them.

At Land Ho! we sat down in a group and learned about various details of the industry such as the differences between publishers and developers and the true roles they play, marketing strategies, the challenges of game development and how a foreigner can get into the Japanese game industry and the difficulties they and the team they work with might face. We also played and watched Crimson Dragon, and the developers even took our opinions on the game into account.

At Cygames we saw a presentation on the creation and development of Rage of Bahamut, then walked around different floors seeing how the various departments worked and their environment. Personally, my favorite was the section where artists work - they had massive tablets and a dimly lit room that provided the optimal space to create.

The next several days were Tokyo Game Show. The show is huge and absolutely packed. We attended both the Business Days as well as the Public Days. We attended the opening ceremony and other presentations that really gave us a deep look inside the Japanese gaming industry and culture, the latest trends and the future of gaming in the eyes of Japan. I played many games and talked to many developers - it was fantastic.

We also attended Sense of Wonder Night, a TGS event that showcases a bunch of indie games and indie developers. All of the games there looked amazing, and the audience felt the same way. Indie games are definitely growing in Japan and as an independent developer myself, I truly connected with all of them, especially the game "Kyoto".

On the last day, we were invited to an Indie Games Party at Sony, which was incredible(*). They provided us with food and drinks and a great view. I met so many developers and industry insiders, and everybody was so nice and friendly. The party marked the end of the show and scholarship, and was an awesome way to wrap things up.

My time in Japan didn't end with the show. I stayed for several days afterwards and had the best time of my life. The sights are gorgeous, the people are welcoming and friendly and I want to return as soon as I can.

The entire experience was absolutely amazing and it really opened my eyes to a lot of things and taught me a ton. Thank you to Kenji Ono for organizing everything, CRI, Land Ho! and Cygames for letting us into their awesome studios, Sony for putting on a great party and inviting us, Alix Sharp for being my guide and awesome company, fellow scholars for being supportive and friendly, the IGDA for giving me this opportunity and Japan for being absolutely wonderful.

David Armond/Game developer and founder of Bloated Hippo

*日本語翻訳 IGDA日本/Translated by IGDA Japan

**SCEJAで開催された「Indie Stream」パーティはスカラーシップの公式行事ではありませんが、主催者の招待を受けてスカラーが参加しました。 "Indie Stream" which was aparty held at SCEJA was not an official program of scholarship but scholars attended it with invitation by organizer.











日曜日に東京ゲームショウが終了すると、私たちはSCEJAで開催されたすばらしいパーティ、「Indie Stream」に参加しました。私は海外進出を検討したり、アメリカでのイベント出展のために翻訳者を求めている企業と交流する機会もありました。私は実際にゲームの翻訳者としてキャリアを積み重ねていきたいと思っています。稲船敬二さん(INAFKING)もパーティに参加されていて、「ロックマン」ファンの私としては、興奮のあまり思わず歓声を上げそうになりました。美味しい食事をいただくこともでき、結果としてすばらしい体験でした。



Hello everyone, and my name is Alix Sharp. I currently attend Southwestern College for Linguistics studies, and plan on transferring to San Diego State. My experiences are different, as it was a homecoming, rather than my first trip to Japan. I was born and raised there, and moved to the US when I was fifteen. Growing up in Japan had it’s perks - I had Pokemon two years before the US had it, thus - me talking about it in my International school had everyone confused. I was raised on Nintendo products; Donkey Kong, Pokemon, and Mario games. My mother and father also play video games, so I don’t remember a time without video games. I remember game culture shock when I first moved to the US. Over here, it seemed that everyone was only interested in FPS and not RPGs, which I pretty much solely played. 

I looked forward to coming home for the first time in five years, and my relief was evident when my cousin came to get me. I drank in the sights of my homeland and anticipated the events to come the following day. The next day, I met up with David (a member of my group that stayed relatively close by) and we both went to meet up with the group. Fortunately, because we met on facebook beforehand, it wasn’t that awkward and we quickly warmed up to each other. We first head to CRI Middleware Co.,Ltd. , and I was excited because they helped create one of my favourite franchises called Sakura Taisen. I got so much more out of it than I realized - knowledge about how things come together and it was very exciting. I never really thought about “middleware” and just lumped it up into development. 

Our second stop was Land Ho! CO.,LTD. - a company that taught me more in detail the difference of publisher versus developer. We also learned more of the other aspects of a typical company, like marketing. While I don’t have an issue with possible employment in Japan, as I’m a Japanese citizen, I learned more about visas and other legal red tape that was needed to ensure employment in Japan. We also had a chance to look at Crimson Dragon and I was happy to see that console spell effects weren’t bright (as I’m photosensitive and epileptic) and the developers were happy to hear that.

Our third stop was Cygames Inc. and I was very impressed with how devoted they are to their employees success. Artists received a special tablet that was massive, and a dim room to ensure that the environment is conductive. They also had four floors of a massive building. After we met the company, I downloaded Rage of Bahamut, and I’m currently enjoying that.

TGS was a different beast. I had to figure out how to get to a place over an hour away, and Google Maps helped me plan out the trains I needed (we needed to transfer twice to get on to the train that would get us over to Makuhari Messe) and we were cutting it close, as Tokyo Station is HUGE. Don’t forget to allow yourself some time to navigate! 

We finally got there and I was amazed at how big the convention was. We sat in on the opening ceremony and heard some amazing speakers. I’m really excited for the PS4. We were given the second business day a free day, and I explored and played so many games. I noticed that a lot were on mobile platforms and it’s smart; you don’t need to purchase another handheld device and almost everyone has a mobile nowadays. I talked with someone about the pros and cons of a mobile game. It’s pay to win, and overall much more profitable. (See: Candy Crush, Puzzles and Dragons). I was able to talk and impress many companies and exchange business cards, and I’ve been talking to a few companies that I’ve met because of TGS.

I was assisting some of my fellow scholars in translation because we met Hideaki Kobayashi, a sound developer and composer from SEGA. We had an amazing dinner with the group, and I was able to hear and learn more of about audio and the programs that they use. It was really fascinating, considering that I only play instruments and music as a hobby. 

David and I came back on Sunday to see how huge the public days were. I found out later that it was a record attendance, and I also was excited to hear that cosplay is celebrated. I also received over a hundred street passes for my 3DS. I had a chance to talk to someone at Square Enix and how they have the rights to publish Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo 3 for console. 

After Sunday concluded, we had an amazing opportunity to attend a party at Sony Japan - the Indie Stream party. I had a chance to mingle with some companies who were looking to expand, or needed translators for their company events in the US. It seems like there’s a hot commodity for these sort of things. I hope that I can actually create a career out of translating. Keiji Inafune (INAFKING) was there and my inner Megaman fan was ready to scream out of excitement. We were also given some delicious food and overall, it was a pleasant experience.

This experience is priceless, truly priceless. I know and understand the path I must take to succeed, and it’s all thanks to IGDA, the people in my group, and especially Kenji Ono. I don’t know which country I’d end up in but I am faithful that with either country, I’ll find a home.

Alix SharpSouthwestern College

*日本語翻訳 IGDA日本/Translated by IGDA Japan




私は他の多くのゲーム開発を学ぶ学生と大きく異なった経歴を持っていると思います。子どもの頃、私の両親はテレビゲームを買ってくれませんでした。そのため自分で購入できるほど成長するまで、ゲームを遊んだことがなかったのです。私はゲームを遊んで成長しませんでしたし、人格形成に必要な数年間で、アクションゲームやシューティングゲームを遊んで反射神経を鍛えるようなこともありませんでした。結果として、ティーンエイジャーになってゲームを遊び始めるようになると、いつもナラティブベースのゲームや、ゆっくりと進行したり、戦略的に遊ぶようなゲームに手が伸びていました。経験上これらのゲームは多くが日本製でした。アメリカの学校で自分がかかわったゲームでさえ、すべてアクションかシューティングゲームだったのです! 私は日本のゲーム業界で働くことを長い間のぞんでいるのには、こうした理由がありました。

TGSスカラーシップは初めての日本旅行というわけではありませんでした。ゲーム開発の準学士取得の際に一度来日したことがあるのです。私は滞在中、数社のゲーム開発会社に訪問しようとしましたが、個人でそれを行うことがいかに難しいか、すぐに理解することになりました。結局、訪問できたのは一社だけでしたし、それも会議室で2名の開発者と話せただけでした。それがTGSスカラーシップでは1社ではなく3社に訪問でき、たいへん嬉しかったのは言うまでもありません。スカラーシップで訪問することで、通訳がつくという利点もありました。私は日本語を10年以上勉強していますが、まだ会話が上手ではありません。せいぜい会話の中から単語のきれはしを幾つか理解できる程度なのですが、IGDA日本の矢澤竜太さんや、同じスカラーの高田アレックスさん、Maria Miyakoさんが、私が取り残されないように通訳をしてくれました! 手助けをしてくれて本当にありがとうございました。

スタジオツアーで最初に訪れたのはCRI・ミドルウェアでした。私は同社について、あまり良く知りませんでしたので、私が大好きなゲームのうち、本当に多くのタイトルで開発協力されていたことを知り、とても驚きました! もし何か彼らが私に対して教えてくれたとしたら、それは自分が遊んだゲームにかかわっている、全ての人々に対してより洞察力を働かせるようにしろということであり、感謝したいと思います。しかしながら、それ以上に、私はミドルウェアのコンセプトと、同社のゲーム開発プロセスにおける役割について新しい知見を得ることができました。

ランド・ホーでは、デベロッパーとパブリッシャーの違いや、マーケティングの重要性について学びました。そこで私は教授が学校で、単に私たちのゲーム開発プロジェクトを多忙にするだけのために、偽物のマーケティング素材を作らせなかったことに対して、確証が得られました! 私はまた、外国人がゲーム業界で雇用されることが実際、いかに難しいかについて学びました。もしディレクションやタスクが誤訳されると、どれだけ大きな問題を引き起こす恐れがあるか、言語の壁による問題について話されたのです。私は単に日本語の会話力を上達させるためだけでなく、それ以上の理由について学びました。

Cygamesの開発環境は、とても興味深く感じられました。私は楽しみながらゲーム開発を行うために、環境が支援するという、同社の方針をとても好きになりました。また、スタジオはとても巨大でした! 開発者のワーキングスペースは広くて、私は広々として快適な環境でゲームを作ることが良い結果を生み、単に楽しいゲーム以上の物を生み出せるのだと想像しました。私はアーティストのエリアが薄暗くなっているのを見て、最初は目に悪いのではないかと驚きました。しかし、実際は正反対でした。さらに、彼らが使っている液晶ペンタブレットがとても繊細で、周囲の光に影響を受けてしまうことが、興味深く感じられました。いつか、こんな素晴らしいタブレットで自分も絵を描いてみたいと思いました。

東京ゲームショウでは、最近開発されたばかりの新作ゲームをたくさん見ることができました。それらを見ながら、ゲーム業界がますますモバイルゲームにシフトしている様子がはっきりとわかりました。自分が遊んだゲームの大半がiPhoneやiPadのアプリだったのです! 私は開発者と名刺交換をしたり、ビジュアルノベルの開発者と話をする機会もありました。というのもビジュアルノベルは私が大好きなゲームジャンルの一つなのです。その開発者は、自分たちのウェブサイトでスタッフを求職しており、私にも挑戦してみてはと促してもらえて、とても幸せでした。

また東京ゲームショウの二日目の夜に、私たちはセンスオブワンダーナイトを視察しました。これはインディゲーム開発者が作った素晴らしいゲームを紹介するイベントです。どれも素晴らしいゲームばかりで、すぐに全てのゲームを遊びたくなりました! それらのゲームにはまた、すばらしいアイディアがたくさん入っていて、ゲームのプレイ光景を見ながら自分たちのプロジェクトに関するインスピレーションも得られました。

東京ゲームショウ終了後に開催された「Indie Stream」パーティでは、多くのゲームデザイナーや開発者にお会いできました。私は自分の子ども時代に、ゲームを遊ぶことができなかったことに対して、少しほろ苦い気持ちを感じていました。というのも、他のスカラーたちは子どもの頃にゲームを遊んで大きくなったため、周囲の人々に対して心から魅了され、魅惑されていました。その一方で私は学術的なレベルでしか魅了されることがなかったからです。私は子どもの頃にロックマンやボンバーマンを遊ぶことができていたら、会場でお会いした人々ともっと心から楽しめたのに、と思いました。しかし、それでもなお、パーティは充足的でためになる経験でした。



My name is Kirsten Sonntag, and I am a Game Design student at Bloomfield College in the USA, focusing mainly on concept art and character design.  In September I had the great privilege of attending the Tokyo Game Show as an IGDA scholar.

I think my personal background is much different from many students studying game development: when I was a child, my parents would not buy video games for me, so I was never able to play video games until I was old enough to afford them myself.  I didn’t grow up playing video games, and I didn’t even develop the reflexes for platforming or shooting games during my formative years.  As a result, when I began playing video games as a teenager I was always most drawn towards games that were more narrative-driven, leisurely, and strategic.  In my experience most such games are developed in Japan, not America–even at school, the projects I have worked on have only ever been platforming or shooting games!  This is why working in the Japanese game industry has appealed to me for a long time.

The TGS scholarship was not my first time in Japan; I had gone once before while working on an Associate's Degree in Game Development.  I had contacted some game studios to see if I could visit during that trip, and learned first-hand how difficult it was to see a studio in action as an independent individual–only one studio allowed me to visit, and I was only allowed into a conference room to speak with two developers.  Needless to say, I was very happy to be able to visit not just one, but three game studios as part of the TGS scholarship.  Another benefit to visiting as part of the scholarship was having an interpreter to help out.  I have been studying Japanese for over ten years, but I am still very poor at speaking and listening.  I was able to pick out bits and pieces of what presenters were saying, but having Ryuta Yazawa, Alix Sharp, and Maria Miyako to translate ensured that I didn’t miss a thing!  I’m very grateful to them for their help.

The first studio we visited on our studio tour was CRI Middleware Co.,Ltd.  I was not very familiar with this company, so I was surprised to find out that they had worked on so many of the games I loved!  If anything, that taught me to be more perceptive of everyone who works on the games I play, so that they can have the appreciation they deserve.  More than that, though, I was able to gain new insight into the concept of middleware and its role in the game development process.

At Land Ho! Co.,Ltd. we learned about the difference between developers and publishers, as well as the importance of marketing.  It was nice to have confirmation that my professors at school didn’t have us make fake marketing materials for our game projects just to keep us busy!  I also learned at Land Ho! about how difficult it can truly be for foreigners to be employed in the game industry; we were told how the language barrier can lead to huge problems if directions and tasks are misinterpreted.  It gives me even more reason to improve my skills at speaking in Japanese!

I found the environment at Cygames Inc. to be very interesting.  I really liked the policy of creating games in a fun, supportive environment.  Also, the studio was HUGE!  Developers were given a lot of space to work in, and I can imagine that creating games in an open, breathable environment would result in better, more fun games.  I was at first surprised that the illustrators’ area was so dimly lit–surely that would hurt their eyes?  However, I found out that it was exactly the opposite.  Moreover, the graphics tablets were so sensitive that they would pick up light, which I found very intriguing.  I’d love to draw on such amazing tablets someday.

At the Tokyo Game Show I was able to see many of the newer games that have been recently developed.  In looking around the venue it became very clear to me how the industry is moving more and more towards mobile games.  Many of the games I tried out were on iPad or iPod displays!  I was also able to exchange some business cards and I even had the opportunity to speak with a developer of visual novels, one of my favorite game genres.  I was very pleased when he encouraged me to apply for a job on their website.

Then on the evening of the second day of TGS, we saw the “Sense of Wonder Night” event which showcased some fantastic games made by indie developers.  All the games looked amazing and I immediately wanted to try playing all of them!  There were a lot of fascinating ideas incorporated in them too, and I even found inspiration for some of my own game projects while watching the gameplay.

At the Indie Stream party after TGS, we were able to meet many game designers and developers.  I felt a bit out of touch due to my video-game-less childhood, because while other scholars were enthralled and appreciative of the people there on an emotional level, for having shaped their childhoods, I was appreciative solely on an academic level.  I wished I had been able to play games like Megaman and Bomberman when I was a child so that I could have had that emotional appreciation for the people we met, but it was a fulfilling and rewarding experience regardless.

All in all, this scholarship program was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the Japanese game industry and meet real professionals in the field.  I want to thank Mr. Kenji Ono, Mr. Ryuta Yazawa, Mr. Masahito Fujiwara, IGDA, all my fellow scholars, and everyone who made this trip possible.  Thank you to everyone who treated me so kindly and made me feel truly welcome to be a part of this amazing industry, and I hope to return to Japan soon!

Kirsten Sonntag / Bloomfield College

*日本語翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan







ランド・ホーのプロデューサーは、デベロッパーとパブリッシャーについての知識や、会社としての課題や歴史について解説いただき、それらは自分たちが将来直面する可能性があるものでした。同社は起業した時は小さな案件を手がけていましたが、今では小規模から大規模まで、さまざまなサイズのゲームを開発しています。私たちは開発現場も訪れることができ、そこでアンリアルエンジンを用いたプロジェクトを拝見しました。実は自分が手がけている案件でもUDK(Unreal Development Kit)の使用を検討しており、彼らの仕事を観察することで、たいへん有意義な情報が得られました(そして実際には帰国後、UDKの使用を断念しました。というのも、それほどチームメンバーが多くなく、開発期間も1ヶ月しかなかったからです)。

Cygamesでは開発環境が本当に本当に素晴らしいものでした。たいへん眺望の良いオフィスで、アーティスト向けに最良のデバイスも支給されていました。夢のようです! アーティストがすばらしいイラストを描いている風景も見ました。ああ、まさに、こんな環境で自分も働きたいものです、


二日目はインディゲーム開発者向けのイベント、センスオブワンダーナイトに出席しました。そこでたくさんの新しいアイディアが得られました。中でも「Museum of Simulation Technology」は印象的で、まったく素晴らしいものでした。終了後にはすべての開発者と会話することができました。彼らのうち3名は中国語が話せたのです。私は彼らのゲームの詳細や将来像について、数多くの詳しい質問をしました。私はまた会場で出展していたインディゲームのうち、約半分がUnityを使用していることを知りました。



しかし、IGDAスカラーシップは本当に素晴らしいものでした。最終日に私たちは「Indie Stream」パーティに参加するため、SCEJAのビルを訪問しました。そこでZUNさんに直接お会いできたのです。そこで自分が作成した「東方Project」の二次創作ゲームをZUNさんに披露することもできました。そんな機会が得られるなんて、まったく予想もしていませんでした。私の東京ゲームショウの旅は忘れがたい幕切れとなりました。




First, I would like to thank IGDA Japan that gave me such a good opportunity to visit Japan. I’m a Chinese and I study in USA. This is the first time I visit Japan, and this trip gave me such a wonderful experience that I will never forget. It’s absolutely AWESOME!

During the trip, we visited several game studios, attended Tokyo Game Show, and had party with other game developers. I really learnt a lot from all of these nice event.

One of the best part is that we are able to visit 3 game studio in Tokyo, CRI middleware Co.,Ltd., LAND HO!.,CO.LTD., and Cygames Inc. We had chance to communicate with these companies directly. They showed us their products, shared the experience of managing the company, and allowed us to see their studio equipment and under-developing games. These three company range from middleware provider to game publisher, so the trip gave us an overall understanding of game industry. Before this trip, I had no idea how actual game industry was, but now I felt better.

CRI is a middleware company, a lot of games including many famous games are using their technology. They show the demo of their product, and their developers explained some details to us. I was not familiar with the products they made, but I’m still impressed by the Alpha movie technology which can play a movie with the alpha channel. I think this technology would be very useful especially on mobile devices.

The Producer from LAND HO! told us a lot about developer and publisher and some problems and stories of their company, which we may meet in the future. LAND HO! has multiple game titles, some are big projects, some are small, and their company is starting from doing something very small. We also visit their studio, we saw a game they were developing, using Unreal Engine. Because my own project are also plan to use UDK, I actually got a lot of information by observing what their stuff were doing. (And I decide not to use UDK for my own project after the trip, because we don’t have so many people, even we had spent a month on it)

Cygames has a really really awesome environment for the employees. They have a very nice office with awesome view, they also offer the artist best devices. That’s amazing! I saw illustrators painting some awesome pictures. Oh! I really want to work in that environment.

On TGS, we were able to attend the meeting. On the first day, we heard about the story of the creator of Puzzle and Dragons, his story is quite informative. The managers from several big companies discussed the trend of the game industry. They all mentioned that Chinese main land may be the most important market in the future. As I am a Chinese and my family has an investment company in Shanghai, it's a really good news for me.

On the second day, we attended Sense of Wonder Night, a festival for indie developer. It gave me a lot of new ideas. I was impressed by the game “Museum of Simulation Technology”, that game is really awesome. We got a change to talk with all the winner after that. Three of them can speak Chinese! I asked a lot of details about their game, and their future plans. I also noticed that over half of the indie game on TGS are using Unity3D as game engine.

After that we went to have dinner with many indie game maker, I’m glad that I met many people from Taiwan. We can communicate with Chinese. I tied their games and we soon become friends. They also shared many information about indie game with me. That was quite a nice night.

I am a big fan of Touhou project, and I made Touhou Douji Games. On the third day of TGS, the creator of the Touhou project ZUN announced his new release of Touhou game on indie game corner, I was manage to see him in real person, but I don't know what he was talking about and it was too crowded there, so I was  a little sad at that time.

But here is what the IGDA scholarship is really awesome for! On the last day, we went to Sony Entertainment Indie Stream Party. On the SCE party, I met Mr.ZUN face to face! He was right there! I got the chance to talk with him! I took a photo with him, and show him some of my work on Touhou Douji Game, I never thought that I could get the chance to do so! This gave my trip to Tokyo Game Show an unforgettable ending.

I also visited several famous places in Tokyo during the time I was in Tokyo. Tokyo gave me such a very nice impression. People here are so nice. The whole city is so clean even it is very crowded. I love animation, manga and games. You can find them everywhere in Japan. I think Japanese treat these “New-Type” arts much seriously than any other country. I really like the environment for game industry here. Tokyo is one of the best cities I ever been. I must spend at least 1~2 years staying here in the future. I’m planning now, really!

At last, I really want thank IGDA Japan again for offering me such a nice chance. I really miss the wonderful time in Tokyo. Thank Mr.Ono, Mr.Masahito and all other friends! I won’t forget this trip in my life!

Han Jin / DePaul University

*日本語翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan









My first trip to Japan was quite a memorable experience. Although I will surely return, I believe this will always be my favorite visit. While I grew up playing video games, Japanese game development fascinated me the most, particularly the music. Initially I thought I was strange that a westerner like myself preferred music written by Japanese composers. It has been my childhood dream to visit Tokyo to learn more about their culture and gain an understanding of Japanese game development.

I was quite excited when I visited CRI Middleware Co., Ltd. I was quite familiar with the company because of their heavy involvement in Sega titles using ADX, particularly the Sonic Adventure series. When I walked into their meeting room, I was pleasantly surprised by the volume of games they have worked on. However, I did not know about their video middleware. Their expertise in both audio and visuals impressed me with their versatility, and I will surely consider them in my own game audio endeavors.

While visiting Land Ho games, I noticed the amount of different kinds of games they have developed. Their business strategies are very smart and accurate. They not only have a strong understanding of game development, but the entertainment industry as well. Even though they are located in Japan, they figured out the international game market and are innovators of future business strategies.

While Land Ho broadened my knowledge of the business in game development, Cygames, Inc. was innovative in a different way. More than just possessing knowledge in business, Cygames, Inc. understands people and the working environment. Their management takes care of their employees eternally, giving them a happy and suitable workplace where they are motivated to create the best content possible. All of the people I met at the company seemed the most excited to be working at their job and meeting us. It’s very encouraging to see companies that treated their co-workers like family, rather than just a machine.

The Tokyo Game Show was quite a spectacle. It was my first time ever at a large video game convention. I met many amazing and talented people who were inspiring and knowledgeable in the the Asian and western game markets. It really showed me that more than any other entertainment industry, video game development has the genuinely happiest community. That is what makes Tokyo Game Show and every other large convention so incredible. I played many kinds of games that were developed and published from many corners of the globe. Even though we many not always speak the same languages, our passion for video games surpassed all barriers. More importantly than anything else, this is what I will take from my experience in Tokyo the most. I am extremely grateful to IGDA Japan for this opportunity, as well as the endless list of mentors I met over the week who graciously support my career.

James Landino/Berklee College of Music

*日本語翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan









TGSの二日目は自由にゲームをして回ることができました。そして自分が子供の頃に遊んだゲームを作り出した、様々なクリエイターと会う機会がありました。中裕司さん、光吉 猛修さん、名越稔洋さんにもお会いできました。TGSに出展された様々なゲームの探索が終了後、私たちは小林秀聡さんと素晴らしいディナーをとる機会に恵まれました。小林さんはセガのゲーム音楽家の一人で、一番有名な作品はおそらく「ファンタシースターオンライン」シリーズでしょう。そこで日本のゲーム音楽家がゲーム会社の社内スタジオ内でどのように働いており、将来どのようになっていくか、展望が得られました。その夜はインディゲーム開発者向けの国際パーティにも参加しました。世界中のインディゲーム開発者に会うことができ、たいへん興奮しました。ドイツや東アジアからの参加者もあり、ディスカッションではそれらの市場について学びました。

TGSの最終日には一般公開日にも参加し、それはちょっとした冒険でした。一般公開日はとても開放的で混雑しており、興味深い体験でした。その夜、私たちはSCEJAのスタジオで開催されたインディゲーム開発者向けのパーティに参加しました。私は子どもの頃に遊んだゲームを作った、業界で重要な開発者がこんなにもたくさん、インディゲーム市場にいるとは思いませんでした。稲船敬二さんはロックマンシリーズの生みの親ですが、パネルディスカッションに出席し、「Mighty No.9」と日本のインディシーンについて議論されました。こうした人々とお会いして、将来日本のゲーム業界の一員になれるかもしれないという展望が得られ、興奮しました。




I was granted an amazing opportunity to visit Japan as part of a scholarship program with IGDA.  I am currently a senior at Texas State University studying Sound Recording Technology and wish to become a sound designer and composer for videogames.  I grew up playing a ton of Japanese videogames, such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Chrono Trigger and Xenogears, and it has been my dream since I was a child to work in the Japanese game industry. 

The first day with IGDA we got to participate in tours of various studios. The first studio, CRI Middleware Inc. was one of the earliest middleware solutions dating back to the SEGA Saturn.  I was familiar with the ADX format they created from various hobbies I had as a kid, so it was exciting to visit a studio that had played such a pivotal role in the audio of some of my favorite games.  The studio had a very formal vibe, and everyone at the company was very seasoned and professionally minded. We were given a demo and explanation of their software, as well as the impact their company has had on the industry at large. As we departed, we were graciously provided us with documentation on their ADX2 software.  I am really excited to investigate in-depth how ADX2 compares to the western middleware solutions WWISE and FMOD.

The second place we visited was LAND HO! CO., LTD. I didn't know much about Land Ho prior to visiting; however they were a very established developer with many titles to their credit.  What intrigued me most about their business is that they developed for such a wide array of genres and styles, and that they positioned themselves as a company that publishers could hire to develop a specific type of game for.  Takahiro Fukada gave us an explaination to the roles of publishers and developers and what their company's role was in the industry, and proceeded to give us a tour of their studio.  I actually got the chance to play the build of their current title, Crimson Dragon, being instructed by none other than one of the original developers of Panzer Dragoon, which was an extreme honor.  One of the most interesting things I learned at Land Ho however was that there are many obstacles that face a Westerner trying to get into in the development process at a Japanese company.  Fluency in Japanese is very important, especially during the critical crunch periods where strong team communication skills are required in order for everyone to reach the same goal.

The last developer we visited was Cygames, Inc. The environment at Cygames reminded me more of studios I've visited here in America.  It was a very free environment and their employees had a lot of room to experiment and work.  The desks were very spacious, and they had possibly the biggest tablet monitors I've ever seen in my life for their artists.  It was surprising to me that a company that specialized in mobile games had such a large and multi-faceted staff.  In the discussion he explained to us the success of some of their titles and how thriving the mobile market is in Japan right now.

The following day we attended business day at TGS.  Our first stop was the keynote address, which consisted of a demo of Sony's Playstation 4 and a talkshow interview with the main developer of GungHo's Puzzles & Dragons.  It was more of a casual interview; however it gave me even more perspective on the very western mentality of mobile Japanese developers.

We then returned for a panel on the emerging game industry in the East Asian markets, which featured game developer CEOs from various different East Asian countries discussing the successes and challenges of their companies and the impact of their industries on the global market. It was a fascinating discussion for a westerner to listen in on, as in America we have virtually no exposure to these emerging and extremely successful industries.  It widened my perspective as to where viable opportunities in the game industry may originate from and I am very excited to meet more East Asian developers in the future.

On the second day of TGS, we were allowed to roam the convention freely, and doing so I got the chance to briefly meet many individuals that created the games I played growing up, such as Yuji Naka, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, and even Toshihiro Nagoshi.  After experiencing many of the titles being presented at TGS, we then had the chance to have a wonderful dinner with Hideaki Kobayashi, one of the house composers at SEGA perhaps best known for his work on the Phantasy Star Online series. There I got a bit of an inside perspective on what it is like working at a in-house audio studio in Japan. In the evening we then got to attend an Indie International party.  I was very excited to get to meet indie developers from all over the world, from Germany to even the East Asian markets I learned about from the panel.

Finally, on the fourth day of TGS I attempted to adventure through public day, which was an interesting experience due to how radically more crowded the show was to the public.  That evening we got to participate in another indie developer party at SCE's office.  I had no idea so many of the key developers of the franchises I played growing up were in the Indie market now.  Keiji Inafune, the creator of Megaman, was part of a panel where they were discussing Mighty No. 9 and the indie scene in Japan.  Meeting these individuals really gave me a lot of perspective on where I might be able to fit into the Japanese game industry going forward and I am very excited for what the future has to hold.

Being in Japan without a solid understanding of Japanese was an interesting experience.  Although I had been studying before leaving, I had a preconception that the country was more bilingual than I expected.  Even at TGS itself bilingual speakers were hard to come by. I was extremely grateful for all the interpreters we had during the trip to help us understand the presentations and panels we attended. I really wish to improve my Japanese so I can properly communicate with all of my new friends and colleagues. 

I really want to thank Mr. Kenji Ono, Mr. Ryuta Yazawa, Mr. Masahito Fujihara, IGDA, Alix Sharp, Maria Miyako and all of the other scholars for helping with the language barrier and giving me such an amazing opportunity.  I feel leaving I now have a very wide perspective of the Japanese game industry and know how I should proceed to attempt to find work in that market.  Japan was a beautiful country with extremely caring people and I hope to visit again and stay in touch with all of my new friends and colleagues.

Jameson Sutton / Texas State University

*日本語翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan



私はクイーンズランド工科大学でゲームデザインを学んでいるMaria Miyakoです。今回のスカラーシップで経験したことを紹介します。



会議室に入ってまず目に入ったのはでっかいテレビ2台とXBOX360とWiiとプレステ3の本体です。すぐ左を見るとゲーム屋さんなみに、たくさんのゲームソフトが棚に並べられていました。全てCRI・ミドルウェアが手伝ったゲームなんだそうです。(設立してから今まで2609 本(2013/09/01時点) のゲームを手伝っているそうですよ、すごい数ですね~。)「ドラゴンボールZ」に「ストリートファイター」に「モンスターハンター」に「ぷよぷよ」に「大神」に「ルーンファクトリー」、もう知ってるゲームばっかりです!

講義ではこの会社がやっていること、そして自社が開発し実際に使っている二つのソフトの紹介をしてくれました。それはゲームソフトでもハードウェアでもない、高機能ムービー再生ミドルウェアの「CRI Sofdec2」とオール・イン・ワン型オーディオソリューションの「CRI ADX2」です。彼らはこれらを使ってムービーの部分再生をしたり、動画の重ね合わせ再生をしたり、動画のスライドパズルを作ったり、ゲームのサウンドを簡単に編集されたりしていました。個人的には動画のスライドパズルが面白そうでしたね。このミドルウェアはコンシューマーゲームだけではなくスマートフォンにも使えるそうです。

いいな~私もこんなミドルウェア使えたらいいな~と思ったら、最後にプレゼントとして「CRI ADX2」の本をもらっちゃいました。さすがCRI・ミドルウェア、ふとっぱらですね!



現在はドラゴンに乗って世界を駆け巡る「Crimson Dragon」を鋭意製作中なんですが、なんと私たちはテストプレイをやらせていただきました!操作するドラゴンはとてもスピーディでグラフィックもとってもかっこいい、背景とかもよく作り込まれていて、新しい仕掛けやマップが登場するたび私たちは「おおーっ!」と盛り上がっちゃいました。他の方々が「Crimson Dragon」遊んでいる間、後ろを振り向くとそこは「Crimson Dragon」の開発現場。ゲームのテストプレイをして疑問に思った事をメモする人、移動できるマップのルートに悩む人、ドラゴンの3Dのモデルをせっせと作ってる人、そんなゲーム開発者たちの真剣な表情でゲームを作っている所を拝む事が出来ました。







東京ゲームショウではセンス・オブ・ワンダーナイト2013という新しいゲームジャンルやアイデアを開拓し、その可能性を観客たちに「魅せる」イベントを見に行きました。特に興味を持ったのは「チュー太とふしぎな洞くつ」で使用するやわらかい不思議なコントローラー「やわらかローラー」(←聞いてみた所、名前がないそうなので勝手に命名、後で触らせてもらってぷにょーとした感じが気持ちよかったです)、四角いブロックの「ボクセル」を使って自分の好きな宇宙船をドット絵風に作り、その宇宙船を操作できる「Space Qube」(個人的にドット絵大好きなので)、大きい魚を釣るためとことん待つゲーム「TSURI」(プレゼンがとても面白かったです)、他にもいろいろあってどれも面白いアイデアだなと思いました。いろんな方面からゲームを見つめることによって、少しですが新しいゲームのアイデアを思いつくことが出来ましたので家に帰ったら早速作りたいと思います。


ゲームショーが終わった後、私たちはたくさんの有名なゲーム制作者たちが集う「INDIE STREAM」パーティに参加しました。有名なゲーム制作者に会えるこのパーティですが、私はあまりゲーム制作者に詳しくありません。どうしようかと悩んでいる時、もう一人のメンバーは私とは逆の事で悩んでいて、有名なゲーム制作者がわかるのに日本語がうまく話せず困っていました。お互いの利害が一致し、私たちは一時的にコンビを組み、私は彼に有名なゲーム制作者を教えてもらい、その人に彼が言いたいことを私が通訳する事になりました。





Maria Miyako/クイーンズランド工科大学


My name is Maria Miyako and I am currently studying Masters of IT, major in Game Design in Queensland University of Technology. I would like to introduce my experience in TGS scholarship.

CRI Middle Ware Inc.

CRI Middle Ware Inc. is a game developing company which is an expert of creating movie and game audio. They assist other game developing companies by enhancing the quality of their game using its movie and sound technology.

When I entered the conference room, what I first saw were 2 big televisions, game consoles such as Xbox 360, Wii and Play Station 3. When I turned left, there were tons of video games displayed on the shelf. Those video games on the shelf are all the games that the CRI Middle Ware had cooperated with. (According to the company, they have previously cooperated and created 2609 games titles in between Sep 9, 2013 from establishment. Don’t you think that’s a lot!) “Dragon Ball Z”, “Street Fighter”, “Monster Hunter” , “Puyo Puyo”, “Ōkami ” and “Rune Factory”. WOW, I KNOW ALL THOSE GAMES!

On the conference, they have introduced their activities as well as 2 devices which they have developed and also been used for their development. Those 2 devices are neither “soft”ware nor “hard”ware; it is a high-end “middle”ware named “CRI Sofdec2” which is for playing movies in multiple purpose and “CRI ADX2” which is for editing the audio sound. They introduced some of the demos such as playing alpha movies, playing multiple movies in one screen, movie slide puzzle and editing game audio really easily. The most interesting demo I think it was is the movie slide puzzle. You can see the anime while you’re playing the game. This middleware can be used not only in console games but can also be used in smartphone games.

“I wish if I could use such middleware…”, while I was thinking like that, CRI Middle Ware gave us a book of “CRI ADX2” as the present at the end of the conference. CRI Middle Ware, you’re the best!

Land Ho!

Land Ho! is a game developing company which not only works on the consumer and mobile game but also working on NHK TV program production.

They are currently developing “Crimson Dragon” which the player is riding on the dragon and flies around the world. This game was planned to be played at Tokyo Game Show 2013 but they let us test play the game beforehand! The dragons were very speedy and graphic was made in high standard 3D model. The stages were very detailed and we were excited when new gimmicks and stages had appeared. While other scholars were playing the game, I turned around and saw the development scene. I saw the serious faces of developers who were testing the game and noted some problems and improvement ideas, considering the route of the stages and manufacturing 3D models of dragons.

In the conference, I learnt about 2 roles of game company; one is developing the game and the other one is promoting the game. They told me that promoting the game is important as developing the game. No matter how interesting the game is, it would never be sold if they did not promote the game.  (I couldn’t believe it. After all, the game seemed very impressive.) In order to sell the game, we need both staffs that develop fun games as well as staff who can appeal the fun part of the game. I have learned the lesson.


Cygames is a game developing company who created “Rage of Bahamut”, a mobile social card game that uses beautiful graphics cards.

In here, we were able to see the real development scene where the illustrators draw the graphics of the game. Unlike other offices, the office in here is rather dark. This is to prevent illustrator’s eyes from getting hurt. Also in each table, graphic pen tablet and multiple displays were provided by the company. I thought this would be a perfect place for drawing illustrations! (I’ve peeked inside and looked at their illustrations and background drawings, there were all very beautiful and polished. I wish I could draw such illustrations.)

The president here has its own motto, “The best game is created within best environment!”. This is very happy news for the person who wants to work in game studio. I would like to work in such company where they value their employees.

Tokyo Game Show

We went to see “Sense of Wonder Night 2013” event which develop new game genre and ideas and show the possibilities to attendances in Tokyo Game Show. The games and ideas that I was impressed were “Soft-roller” which is soft and strange controller and was used in the game “Chuta and the mysterious dungeon” (I asked the name of this controller but it didn’t had a specific name so I name it myself. They let me touch the controller afterwards, it was very soft and it feels like touching a slime.), “Space Cube”,  a game which allows the player to design and control their customized spaceship by using tetragon block “box cell” (I really love pixel art.), “TSURI” is a fishing game that the size of the fish depends on how long the player didn’t run the game (I love their presentation). There were many games and I thought every ideas were awesome. This event made me to look at the games from various perspectives and let me come out with new ideas of the game. I will start develop it when I returned home.

Meet up with many developers

After TGS, we participated to the “Indie stream” party where you can meet many famous game developers. I was hoping to see famous game developers but unfortunately, I’m the type that misses staff roll so I couldn’t really recognize who is famous or not. On the other hand, the other scholar member had the opposite problem; he could recognize who is the famous game developer but he was not confident of his Japanese communication skills. So we’ve temporarily team up; he finds the famous game developer and I translated his conversation in Japanese. We were able to speak and become acquaintance with lots of game developers. 

“WOW, he is a developer of Toho”, “WOW, he is a composer of 428”, he was so excited as if he was back to childhood. (I was also happy too, meeting with the translator who translated “One Way Heroics”, the game developed by SmokingWolf in English).

The last game developer we met was Mr. Keiji Inafune, one of the most famous game developers who developed “Megaman”. The other member was a great fan of Mr. Inafune and he was very nervous in front of him although he spoke fluently with other game developers. After we chatted a little, exchanged business cards, took a picture with him and break up, the other member was extremely tense and finally snapped. He sat on the chair, looking down to the ground and said “I was so lucky to come here”, “I think this is my best day in my life!”. I thought that Mr. Keiji Inafune was amazing because he impressed people in such way.


Even though it was actually the short period of time, I thought this 5 days of scholarship was very long because there were many things that I learnt from. I would like to thank Mr. Ono who held such meaningful tour and also to Mr. Fujihara and Mr. Yazawa who escorted us. We will never forget what we experienced in the tour.

Maria Miyako
Queensland University of Technology

*この文章は本人が日本語と英語の両言語で執筆しました。 This essays was written in both English and Japanese by herself.















First, I applied and attend scholarship with little information. I knew CEDEC at first when I applied. For these reason, I hadn’t imagined I could communicate to people who think so serious and have much passion to develop games.

A)   Tokyo Game Show

I participated to TGS for business days and public days, and studio tours for CRI Middle Ware Inc., Land Ho! Inc., and Cygames Inc. These companies are developing with deferent philosophies and I will state most impressive 3 topics.

CRI Middle Ware Inc is the middleware vendor. It is not game developer but it is included in game industry certainly because they develop middleware for game audio or computer graphics that is needed in genre where high quality is requested and role basic element in game development. I had not imagined such people work in game industry and broke my image of game development in a second. The meeting of this company was a stepping stone to enrich me in the 5days scholarship.

2)    Land Ho! Inc.
It is the Japanese company for developing not only domestic but also worldwide games. It practices the keyword, “develop games for worldwide market” which I have often heard. Many developers are preparing it from now but Land Ho! Is already has done. It was the first time to realize the meaning of “the lead”. I also realized that the distance between my position and the most advanced company because I can hear something which someone has already finished as a future.

3)    Cygames Inc
It is the youngest company among 3 ones. It was established in expanding mobile social market and it has been expected more growth in future. I felt the most sympathy among 3 studios. It is the distance of mentality and it might make me so relax. Of course, there was another reason. The environment for developers was very comfortable and the studio philosophy to learn the way of development fun game from playing fun games was heaven for armature developers. But I can’t ignore some incongruous with this comfort. I don’t think this sympathy good. It was the proof that I am too confident of my ability or the reverse, but I thought that the fact which I felt so was the proof that I am optimistic person protected by language barrier.

After next day when we finished visiting to 3 studios, Tokyo Game Show started. The 4 days of it was full of excitement but I will state most impressive 3 topics.

4)    Language barrier
A number of Japanese scholars are just 2 including me in TGS scholarship. Other guys came from abroad. While other guys communicate actively in English which is common language, I didn’t imagine how I feel miserably. Since I hadn’t experienced to communicate in English before, I thought that we did not need to communicate in English, but it was a shallow idea. But I could communicate in poor English with body languages and it brought me confidence. It was a good chance to learn English seriously.

5)    Style of game
I attended a lecture of PlayStation4 at the keynote in TGS and understood that Sony’s future vision of PlayStation which is a new content equal of Personal Computer and Television.

I thought that game is just game for fun and a game console was a player to play games but this keynote beat my image easily. I doubt that increasing non game contents through evolving PlayStation, but I hadn’t imagined it was a proof of future vision of Sony at all. If PlayStation completes the vision, what kind of changes will it bring to the world? I imagined a future life that even home electrical appliances like freezing, washing, air conditioning machines and electronic fan, would be a media of games. After keynote, I thought that our daily life should change in various way in future.

6)    Japan in worldwide
I had a confidence with baseless that Japanese game is brilliant. But I knew that major Japanese games are one of them in the world and most of them are consumed in domestic market. It is natural to consider the international market because game has been playing in the world.

For these reasons, I thought that we should develop newly a common language of game in the world. It is a language exits only game but be understood in the world without translation, then I thought we omit a process of localization and distribute Japanese games in the world. I would be a master of it and I wish to be a national game creator with this project in future.

It is my impression by TGS scholarship.
Needless to say that it was good experience and I would like to develop games so much to use this chance so effectively.

Itsuki Shimoyama / Digital Arts Sendai vocational school 

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan