

IGDAスカラーシップでCEDEC2013に参加した吉岡智弘です。私は北陸先端科学技術大学院大学のゲーム情報学専攻に在籍しながら、福島GameJam2013Global Game Jam2013において石川会場の運営や、ハッカソンイベントである金沢八耐を運営するなど北陸地方でゲームコミュニティの活動をしております。




また3つのゲームジャムに関する講演も参考になり、SEGA Game Jamの講演では社会人目線の運営方法を、モチベーションコントロールについての講演ではタスク管理やファシリテーションツールを用いて参加者のモチベーションを上げる方法を、直接関わっている福島GameJamに関する講演では自分が行っている活動の意義や展望について考えることができました。

その他Unreal EngineHavokUnity等に関するセッションでは最新の機能の紹介などすぐにでも利用できるツールについて知ることができました。またSpriteStudio等展示ブースにおいてアニメーションの作成方法や問題解決のアプローチ方法を教えて頂けました。その他ポスターセッションではパッチワーク風のレンダリングやシリアスゲーム等に直接触れることができ、このような機会でなければ体験できないことを思う存分体験することができました。Developer's nightCEDECONの懇親会でも、様々なゲーム企業の方にお会いし直接助言を頂け、今後の活動について方針を考える参考になりました。



I am Chihiro Yoshioka and I attended CEDEC 2013 as a member of the IGDA scholarship program. While I belong to the research unit for computers and games at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, I am active in the game developer’s community in the Hokuriku area. For example, I am handling Ishikawa hall at Fukushima Game Jam 2013 and Global Game Jam 2013 and Kanazawa Hachi-tai which is a hackathon event.

Since I attended CEDEC as a scholar, I got to visit 3 studios as part of a studio tour. Everyone we met was so kind, and at Premium Agency Inc., they introduced us to the 3D graphic engine “Chidori” which is used not only in commercial but also education and Virtual Reality solutions and taught us the necessity of game technology’s expansion to not only the game industry but also other wide fields. At Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc, they introduced us to the “enchant.js” game engine and the “Moon Block” SDK, which allows you to develop games by assembling visual blocks. They also introduced us to some services that expand opportunities for game development like “9leap” and “wise9”. At GREE, Inc, they introduced us not only social game business but also other projects, a frame work for team development and training systems. What surprised me was the fact that even though all three companies are in the game industry,  the floor spaces, atmospheres and desk arrangements of the development teams or job groups were very different. There were different feelings about which studio’s atmosphere was good among the scholars and I was interested in the talk.

I also got the chances to meet mentors directly. While we had lunche with Mr. Watanabe who is a leader of 2D FANTASISTA, Mr. Kishimoto of Tokyo University of Technology and Mr. Minato of Namco Bandai, we talked about programming, technologies for large scale development, special knowledge of game engines, the history of video games for the past 30 years and hunting for jobs. I asked them about how you can't estimate time for programming however you want, and got the advice one can’t get perfect estimate, that one should divide tasks into smaller pieces and that one should study and gain experience by programming.

At CEDEC, the first keynote, “How to unite creator and society - From Idea to Reality” and the “Cross-boarder Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cognitive Science” panel discussion were so impressive! I have an interest in GAMIFICATION and game AI and found the talk about how the fun of content is defined as the product of the fun of the content by itself times the affinity you have for it very impressive.  A talk about the borders between the real and virtual world gave me a vision of the expanded potential of future games, which deeply impressed me as well.

The 3 lectures of game jams were also useful. In the SEGA Game Jam lecture I learned about managing from the perspective of an employee;  In a talk about motivation control I learned about task control and using facilitation tools to increase the motivation of participants; and the talk about the Fukushima Game Jam, of which I am a staff member, helped me reflect on the meaning and prospects of my work there.

About from that, in sessions with Unity, Unreal Engine and Havok I got an introduction to new features and got to learn how to use them right away. I was also taught a way of creating animation and apporaches for solving issues at the demo booth of "Spright Studio".

At poster sessions, I could learn about the new rendering approach for the patch work art style and experience serious games. It was a very rare chance and I could experience them so much there. I could see many developers and get advice directly at “Developer’s night” and “CEDECON” party which helped me think about my plans for the future.

Finally, I want to thank the people of the IGDA and the companies that invited us to studio tours,  as well as everyone who gave advice as a mentor during those days. Attending CEDEC as a student, I got to meet other students, developers and people in the game industry which was a significant oppotunity. Thank you all so much for giving me this chance.

Chihiro Yoshioka / Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

*英文翻訳 IGDA日本 Translated by IGDA Japan / Proof read: Andrej Preradovic [Localization SIG]

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